Big Time Awards - Part Three

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And fast forward to the heavy steel door the group of five had to push closed in order to escape from the henchmen in yellow suits that were working for Sharkus, who they stumbled upon in an evil lair whilst looking for the goop room in the bowels of the arena on a wild-goop chase.

"That was close," Gwen panted as they all fell forward on the door, having likely run around the entire arena with the number of tunnels and stairs and levels they just went through.

"Purple," Kendall then said robotically as he spun around to face the giant purple pit off goop.

"The Legend is true," Logan gasped in disbelief, the others all staring in amazement. "WE FOUND IT!"

He then rushed to the edge of the pit, sticking a syringe into the goop and filling it up.

"What are you doing?" asked Carlos in confusion.

"You never know when you're going to need a little goop," Logan answered, before turning around proudly. "Take in the glory dream team. We are the first this spectacle."

"Ok. Dream complete," James announced. "Now let's go - AHH!"

He was cut off as all of them were forced to the edge of the pit as the yellow dressed henchman burst in through the door.

"Well, we were kind of hoping we'd get gooped tonight," Kendall admitted.

"Been there, done that," Gwen said as James held her tight to his chest.

"Yes, but not like this!" Carlos yelled.

But they stopped backing up as one by one the henchmen were knocked out.

"What was that?!" Carlos asked, and then a blonde figure dressed in black appeared, literally from thin air.

"She is a spy! I told you she was a spy!" Carlos exclaimed as Alexa Vega from Spy kids turned around. "And she's a beautiful spy too."

"Thank you," Alexa said genuinely. "I'm looking for Sharkus. do you know where he is?"

"Yeah," Logan answered before they all began blubbering different directions.

"Short answer is no, we were too busy escaping to remember with paths we took," Gwen cut in, Alexa nodding in understanding.

"But if you see a big, scary walking shark, take a left," James added.

"Got it," Alexa said before she turned for the door and Carlos blurted,

"Wait! You're not leaving me?!"

Alexa looked at a loss for words momentarily.

"I mean, us," he corrected.

Alexa only held up the watch on her wrist that made her invisible. "Duty calls. But you guys should enjoy the show. I got this," she said as her hands went for her watch only to turn to Gwen. "Nice song by the way."

Gwen smiled in thanks. "Nice watch."

And with an answering smirk, Alexa vanished, kicking down a henchman before she left.

"You know, being invisible was always one of my dreams," Logan spoke up.

"No," Kendall admonished.

"Dream killer," Logan spat before they heard the sound of the audience cheering above them.

"Award time! Move!" Gwen urged as she grabbed James' hand and they jumped over the henchmen.

Time for the next dream.


James lost the Awesomest Hair award but his dream of kissing Gwen on stage and getting gooped came true, so he wasn't completely sad about it, especially since Gwen kissed him to make him feel better.

"And the only dream left is...." Kendall began as they all walked backstage.

"Carlos," Called the two Jennifer's, still holding a cardboard cut out of the third.

"Carlos' girlfriend dream," Logan, James and Gwen chorused.

"We're sick of being nice, and we want an answer now," blonde Jennifer demanded.

"So, who do you want to be your girlfriend?" asked short-haired Jennifer.

Carlos stuttered for a moment before a voice said, "What about me?"

And then Alexa appeared next to the Jennifer's as James and Kendall pushed Carlos forward.

"You want to be my girlfriend?" Carlos asked in disbelief.

"I've kinda had a crush on you since your first album," Alexa admitted as she took off her sunglasses.

"Well, why didn't you tell me?" Carlos asked.

"I'm shy," Alexa admitted with a small smile.

"You?" All the boys asked at once and Gwen only rolled her eyes.

"What can I say? I'm a shy spy."

And with another push from his friends, Carlos kissed Alexa.

And Carlos had the most dreamy look on his face after they pulled away and the Jennifer's marched off.

"But I have to warn you," Alexa began, smile fading. "It's not easy dating a spy. You never know when you might get caught in the middle of a dangerous mission."

"I don't care," Carlos replied, completely mesmerised.

"Pardon me," Logan interrupted as they all moved closer. "Did you say dangerous?"

"Yes! And I'm in one now. I can't find Sharkus' cheesy headquarters and I need your help," Alexa said.

"Dream team is in," Carlos announced.

"We'll help you find it," they all said in unison.

And fast forward to where they were all being dragged into the evil lair by the henchmen, as prisoners.

So much for finding it.

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