Big Time Concert (1.20)

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Gustavo had a plan to get the band back together and on the road for tour, even if it involved selling his mansion but he didn't want to tell Gwen or do anything until he knew the boys were on board. So, he and Kelly had come up with a ruse and flew off to Minnesota to try and get them back while Gwen stayed in L.A, and Gustavo used her to try and guilt the boys into coming back.

But while they were gone, someone else appeared.

Gwen was walked down the hall, music sheets and folders in her hand as she looked at her phone, angry after she'd discovered what her father was up to, when a voice said, "I'm not surprised that the bandanna looks better on you."

She dropped everything as she turned.

Standing at the end of the hallway with a massive grin on his face was James.

And they both were on the verge of tears as she ran and hugged him, James lifted her off the ground, squeezing her tight.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here? Where are the rest of the guys?" she asked as they pulled away and she held his face that couldn't have a bigger smile.

"I signed a record deal but only I got to come back."

Gwen's smile faded as she backed away from him.

"James, why would you do that?"

He furrowed his brows.

"What are you talking about? I did it for you, so that I could come back and also be famous."

Gwen let out a pained sigh.

"James, if you'd waited a few hours my father would likely have shown up on Kendall's doorstep and told you that the concert was happening, and the band was back together. He's in Minnesota right now."

"But I did it for you," James repeated.

"But I don't want to be the reason that there's a divide between you and your friends. You ditched them in Minnesota James. And you didn't even tell them that you were coming back or about your record deal."

The guilty look on his face only added to the fractures in Gwen's heart before a thought struck her.

"James, who did you sign a record deal with?"

"A guy named Hawk."

She gaped.

"You need to leave."

"What? Why?" he asked, confused as she began to push him towards the elevator.

"Because Hawk is my father's sworn rival and has probably been waiting for disaster to come so that he could poach one of you boys when the time was right. You can't be here until we get you out of that contract James."

"I'm not leaving you again."

Gwen kissed him again and this time he was caught off guard as she pushed him against the elevator doors.

Even more so when she pulled away abruptly and the doors slid open.

"You found your way back to L.A. You're not going anywhere anytime soon. Now leave before my dad gets back and Hawk finds out you were here."

"I'm going to see you soon," he said as she pushed the button for the lobby.

"Count on it, hockey head."

And the doors slid shut.


"AHHHHHH!" Gwen screamed as she jumped into Carlos' arms, the boy spinning her as she hugged him. "You're back! I'm so glad you're back," she exclaimed as she hugged Logan and Kendall who had just set their stuff down on the temporary beds that Gustavo had set up in the studio.

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