Big Time Awards - Part Five

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As the girls protected the hoses and turned on the goop, the boys entered the lair and called out, "Hey Sharkus!"

The man in the yellow suit turned, face filled with panic, only to see nothing behind him. "Who said that?"

The boys then appeared out of thin air, hands on each other's shoulders as Logan made them visible with Alexa's watch, all of them holding a hose.

"So goop to see you," Kendall grinned.

"But now it's time to say goop-night," James added.

"Pass," Carlos whispered as he pointed to Logan.

"Goop, here it is," Logan smiled as he pointed at the hoses.

"But you're too late!" Sharkus laughed as he placed his hands on the two levers. But before he could pull them up, the boys turned on the hoses.

Sharkus fell to the floor, his yellow suit now purple as the goop soaked him and shorted out all the equipment, including the computer that would hypnotise 21 million people into craving Mac and Cheese.

Just as they turned off the hoses, Gwen ran into the room, the monitor high on the wall going back to the live broadcast of the tween choice awards.

"Nicely done boys," Gwen praised as she tapped James and Carlos on the shoulder.

"You alright?" James asked, concerned and Gwen waved him off.

"Cheese men were a piece of cake."

"Ok, being invisible dream, complete," Logan announced as he held up the wrist with Alexa's watch on it, fist-bumping Carlos.

"My plan. It's ruined!" Sharkus cried from the floor, where he lay in a large puddle of purple goop. "I've been ruined by a boy band. It's so cheesy!" he spat.

"Very cheesy," the group of five chorused.

"OK, time for the last purple rocket of the night; Awesomest song," Came Nick Cannon's voice from the only surviving monitor.

"We're up for favourite song!" Kendall realised.

"You guys need to go! Now!" Gwen urged but they didn't move.

"Like we're gonna win it," Logan sighed.

"And the winner is We Are by Big Time Rush!" Nick announced and Gwen's eyes popped out of her skull as the boys cheered.

"WE WON!" they screamed in joy. "WAIT!" they yelled before the camera panned to the empty seats they were supposed to be in.

"Big Time Rush?" Nick asked uncertainly.

"MOVE!" Gwen shouted, pushing them towards the door, only for Sharky to block their way.

"Revenge time, Sharky. Ruin their dreams! Don't let them get to the stage" Sharkus ordered but Sharky didn't move nor respond. "Obey me you dumb shark!"

And Sharky stepped to the side as he allowed Gwen and the boys to rush past him, muttering quick words of support as they ran past.

They had a song to perform and a rocket to collect.


Gwen couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

They were at the after-party at the Palmwoods, Gustavo parading around with the purple rocket he won and the one Gwen won, Griffin ecstatic that with Sharkus in jail he'd become the number one CEO in the country. And thanks to Alexa, their love for mac and cheese had been reversed.

And the boys did something really sweet for Katie as they invited her celebrity crush, Austin Mahone to come and meet her.

Today had been a really good day.

Even more so as the guys put their arms around their respective partners after leaving Katie with Austin, James pressing a kiss to Gwen's head before saying, "Well, the only dream still unfulfilled, is Carlos' girlfriend dream."

And they all looked to the lobby where Carlos was talking to air, hoping that invisible Alexa would pop out of nowhere.

"He's trying though," the girls said in unison.

And she did.

Appearing as she kissed him on the nose and they walked out hand in hand, dopey grins on their faces.

"Well, this story is wrapping up quite nicely," Logan said.

"Big time," Carlos agreed.

"And who knows what adventures lie ahead for the dream team?" Kendall pointed out.

Suddenly a strange noise and right light caused the group of eight to turn towards the source, only for the light to die down and reveal Gwen's father behind DJ turntables.

"Oh, it's just Gustavo," James sighed in relief, still holding onto Gwen.

"Just Gustavo?!" the producer asked, offended. "Have you forgotten I'm amazing? Now dance!"

Automatically taking Gwen's hand, the girl was spun around as Big Time Rush started to play, the group of eight singing along to the lyrics.

And as the next song began to play, Gwen's heart fluttered as James sang the lyrics she wrote to her.

These last few years working with these boys had been some of the best years of her life. And she was so grateful that they came barreling into her life.

It had been an adventure like no other.

And she couldn't wait for their next big-time adventure.

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