Welcome Back, Big Time (2.1)

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"I bet Logan enjoyed the tackle," Gwen smirked as she sunbathed next to Camille, both of them in matching purple bikinis with sunglasses on as they relaxed near the pool.

"He was more concerned about getting his homework done," Camille complained. "And I'm surprised that you and James aren't dating yet. You were on tour for six weeks and you're telling me that nothing happened between you?"

"Nothing at all. Between travelling, school, rehearsals and managing their tour and various TV interviews, we barely had time to sleep much less date," Gwen replied, slightly saddened by it, even though the tour had been amazing. Not to mention that the boys played her song at the start of every concert, giving her a special shout out before they continued with the rest of their setlist. And the five of them had photos in souvenir t-shirts from every state they visited.

As well as the fact that after the concert, all the investors had come begging to sign with Big Time Rush. But the one they picked happened to be Griffin who offered them a three-record deal, immediate release of the first album and a world tour. Along with Gustavo's mansion back, the studio refurnished and a Sebastian for the Boys. Kelly had even gotten Griffin to go and write out 'I will never cancel big time rush again' 500 times."

"But you've been back for a day, has he done anything yet?" Camille asked.

"Nope. He and Carlos were trying to get their rep back with the cool kids last I checked. And it does kinda hurt. I mean, he signed a record deal with Hawk for me because it got him back to L.A, and then he and his friends sing my song to open their very first concert. Not to mention all the times he kissed me, and I kissed him, but then he doesn't even ask me out. And I'm not even asking for a big proposal thing, I just want him to say the words," Gwen explained and Camille felt for her.

"Logan kissed me and then took me on a date to the party and then to the dance and then I tackle hugged him welcome back but he hasn't asked me out either. Boys are stupid, but they're so darn cute."

"Amen to that, Cami," Gwen smiled as she turned to her friend who understood her so well. "And this whole drama with Jo? What's that about?"

"Oh, so she got a part on that new CW show, New Town High and her love interest dates all his co-stars. Now Kendall is worried that Jo is gonna leave him for her co-star seeing as he's so much better looking than Kendall."

"Is he?"


Gwen laughed. "Poor Kendall. What does Jo say about all this?"

"She wants him to trust her. She told him that she wanted to be with him and not Jett, her co-star, but he doesn't trust Jett. So, then Jo invited him to set to watch them film the kissing scene and I really wish I could be there to see how it goes."

"Jo will fill us in. And if she doesn't, I have a friend at CW who can get their hands on the raw footage."

"I love having a friend in Hollywood," Camille gazed at Gwen who gazed back at her.

"Back at you."

And they blew kisses to each other before stretching out in the sun, that was at least until a shadow covered Gwen's face.

"What?" Gwen asked, annoyed when she opened her eyes to find Kelly and Logan standing in the way of her sun.

"Griffin booked Big Time Rush to play Rocktoberfest tomorrow and we can't perform unless we finish six weeks' worth of assignments with at least a C-plus average, by tomorrow!" Logan explained quickly and Gwen took off her glasses.

"Why would you leave it so late?" she asked.

"Because your father didn't tell them that they had schoolwork so that they could focus on the tour!" Kelly exclaimed and Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Of course, he would. And now he needs my help to fix his mess?"

"Please! Please! Please!" they both begged as they got on their knees and Gwen turned to Camille who just shrugged.

"Fine. But I take payment in days off," she said as she picked up her bag, glasses and sundress and stood.

"Thank you!"

"But, I'm only doing English, art and history. You get the rest Logan," Gwen said and he shook her hand furiously.

"Deal! Deal! Deal!"

"Save that energy for math Logan," she said patting his cheek before sashaying inside. The things she did for these boys.


The boys had scraped by at school and the entire Palm Woods was in the front rows at Rocktoberfest as they readied to go on, all except for Jo. She'd told Kendall to forget about her after he kept getting jealous and not trusting her with the whole Jett thing. If she showed up, then that meant Kendall would get another chance, if she didn't, it was over between them.

As per their ritual, the boys started their performance with Love me, Love me, which turned out to be perfect as Jo turned up, holding a large I heart Kendall sign and making the boy smile as they sang and danced with even more energy.

And seeing as the entire Palmwoods was in the audience, Gwen was with them, dancing with Camille at the very front before they were joined by Jo, the three of them hugging before they danced to the song.

But what really sent the crowd crazy, was when the song came to an end and James asked the crowd to be quiet for a moment, the boys looking confused but Gustavo and Kelly in the wings were smiling.

And then James spoke.

"Our fans know that we've started every show on our tour with the song Love me, Love me, which was written by our amazing friend and producer, Gwendolyn Rocque!"

They cheered for her, Gwen going red in the face as she smiled at James before frowning in confusion as the other boys were ushered off stage by Gustavo, before returning with a large blank piece of poster board, all three of them holding it up.

"Now, I knew Gwen was special since the first moment I met her. And without her, our band would not be here together on this stage performing in front of all of you."

The crowd roared again before James called for quiet.

"And Gwen, I think the timing is finally right for us."

Her jaw dropped, Camille and Jo bursting with excitement before Kendall, Carlos and Logan turned the sign around and James asked the words printed on it.

"Gwen, will you go out with me?"

Gwen was in utter disbelief as the crowd cheered and awed at James' gesture as she jumped over the railing and climbed up onto the stage, James giving her a hand up.

"So, what do you say?" he asked but Gwen still had no words.

So, she just kissed him.

And then the crowd truly went crazy.

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