Big Time Merchandise (3.5)

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"Have a seat fellas," Griffin invited as the boys sat next to Gustavo, Kelly and Gwen at one end of the conference table, James kissing his girlfriend hello before taking the seat next to her, hands joined in excitement.

Today was the day the Big Time Rush Merchandise was finally being unveiled.

"We're all excited to discover what BTR merchandise lies beneath this shiny cloth. Hit it, Marketers," Griffin ordered and the suited man and woman began speaking.

"Our crack staff has spent the last year researching, developing, patenting and testing the exact merchandise that will amaze our retail partners!" the woman explained and the boys' excited grins grew bigger as Gwen laughed softly at them.

"Are you ready for the Big Time Rush products that will be flying off the store shelves all over the world?!" the man asked as they both flourished their hands.

"Bring it on!" Logan challenged.

"So ready!" Carlos exclaimed.

"Bring it!" Gustavo chimed in.

The woman grinned as she placed her hand on the crimson cloth.

"I present to you the Big Time Rush.....Toilet scrubbers!"

The boys' smiles fell, Carlos gaping as he tried to voice a question but no words came out as they stared at the four black brushes with their faces on them.

"The Big Time Rush...Horse Shampoo!" the man exclaimed as he pulled off the second cloth.

"And the Big Time Rush action set!" the woman grinned finally as they pulled off the last clothe to reveal the dolls that did look kinda similar to the boys.

"The dolls aren't horrible," Kendall whispered to the boys and that was when Gwen knew he'd jinxed it.

"That say all your favourite Big Time catchphrases," the woman continued as they pressed Logan's doll that said,

"Let's get some hockey balls and play a hockey game!"

And even though Logan looked in horror at his doll, it wasn't nearly as bad as what Kendall's said.

"I made a Boom-boom! Change me!"

And the blonde looked ready to leap across the table and break the doll in outrage.

They all then turned to Griffin, who didn't see Gwen's headshake and said, "I love it!" Ignoring the stares of disbelief, Griffin applauded before standing and saying, "Excellent work, you two! You're really thinking outside the box."

"Is there any way that we can put them back inside the box?" James asked, the others all murmuring in agreement.

"Yeah, because when I think of Big Time Rush, I think of NOT HORSE SHAMPOO!" Gustavo shouted.

"No yelling!" Gwen scolded as his doctor had told him to take it easy after the whole blood pressure monitor incident.

"These products are unique and different, which is exactly the kind of merchandise that Sam Selmart loves," Griffin said.

"Sam Selmart? As in Selmart stores?" Logan clarified.

And the woman only pressed play on Sam Selmart's store ad.

"That's the one," Griffin confirmed.

"Griffin, don't we think that these products are -" Carlos began.

"Highly embarrassing," Logan finished.

"I don't say, 'I made boom-boom'," Kendall added and the marketing team only glanced at each other before saying in unison,

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