Chapter 6

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What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

I lay in my bed contemplating the idea of faking a coma so I never had to leave it again.

I bet he’s told everyone.

Everyone will know and I will never be able to show my face in the halls of Westbrooke High again.

After ten more minutes of wallowing in my pit of despair I decided against a fake coma and instead opted for a good old fashioned running away. I texted Brie to come get me after she finished teaching her Sunday morning class and made for the shower.

I threw on my dressing gown and opened the door only to be greeted by Jayce.

He was standing in front of the vanity in just a pair of tight black boxer shorts. Toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and still looking like something out of a magazine.

I went to the sink and set up to brush my teeth however as soon as I turned on my toothbrush I realised that was a mistake. A familiar buzz sound filled the room and we both froze. Yeah I really need to get out of here.

I quickly scrubbed my teeth turning the brush off and deciding I'd rather just know my fate.

“Look, I just want to know if you told..”

But before I could even finish the sentence he went back to his room slamming the door behind him for good measure. I guess we won’t be talking about this then.

Brie came and saved me and we spent that day at Granny's. Around 4 o’clock we were still sitting on the lawn chairs soaking up our last day of summer sun and drinking every drop of Granny's pink lemonade.

“You all good to go back?” I asked Brie, who was busy fiddling with her bikini top trying to avoid any tan lines.

“Yeah, I’ve managed to alter a lot of the stuff from last year so it looks totally different and Granny got a bag of left over stuff from the church too. It was mostly mens shirts but I made some super cute dresses.”

Brie was a queen with a sewing machine. Granny never had much money, Bries mother had taken what savings she had with her when she fucked off, leaving Granny with two kids and nothing to provide them with.

Brie could work miracles. She’d learnt how to turn all her old stuff into new stuff or if it was too far gone then tear it apart and make something new for May. Those girls always looked amazing no matter the situation.

“What about you? Ready for me to finally get my hands on your wardrobe?” She smirked.

“Nah, most of my stuff is still good from last year but dad did get me some new cons. I’m done" Brie rolled her eyes at her fashionably impaired friend.

I stayed for another hour or so before making the trip back to the Manor.

As I crossed the kids sand park I longingly looked over to the path next to the stream that led back to our old home, my usual route. I just wanted to go back to how things were 3 years ago.

I wanted my mum to be fretting over me going back to school and dad being in the shed fixing my bike. I wanted to hear her yearly speech about being good and getting the best grades I could. I wanted to have that final Sunday night on the sofa watching The Little Mermaid.
It was our yearly tradition but it stopped two years ago. I hadn’t even brought myself to watch it since she passed. It was always her favourite and as a kid we would watch it on repeat. As I got older and spent less time at home we agreed that I would have the whole summer with my friends as long as on the last night before school was back we would all cuddle up and watch The Little Mermaid.

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