Chapter 130

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We sat there until we had no moments left, his arms holding me but never pushing it further. We needed this. We felt connected again. I slid down in the back seat of his car as we drove, I didn't want anyone to see us and report back to Daddy dearest. He pulled up outside Kallie’s and Brie was already waiting by the bug.

"What sort of time do you call this? Please tell me it was one of those multiple orgasm jobs because that's the only way I'm forgiving you." She shouted at me as she hung in through the open door I was trying to escape the back seat from.

"We didn't even kiss Brie, do you want to move?" I asked gesturing to her as she continued to keep me inside the car with her body.

"No kiss? Jesus Jayce, your skills of seduction have been wildly exaggerated haven't they?" She teased.

He rolled his eyes almost in sync with mine. "Trust me Brianna, it wasn't through the lack of desire I can assure you."

I wanted to slap them both but as my hand went to get Jayce’s shoulder he caught it with those cat like reflexes of his and held it between his palms. His lips hover over the surface and I nodded, letting him know it was okay before he brought my hand to his lips and kissed the palm.

Brie finally stepped out of the way and made gagging noises as I stepped out after her, Jayce gave me a panty dropping smile before tearing out of the street.

I got inside the bug and Brie slipped in next to me smirking. "Still want to kill me?"

I tried not to laugh but failed. "Haven't stopped considering it since we were nine."


The rest of the week was easier, I appreciated everyone's efforts to keep me busy. Kallie had become particularly inept at noticing changes in my mood and always seemed to have something to distract me when needed, I really loved that girl.

It was game day and since Drew was travelling to watch the competition, Kallie was excited to see her man. She'd not been able to hold in her clear butterflies, sighing deeply as she spotted him standing against his motorcycle in the car park.

"I don't mean to sound like a chick in a bad black and white movie but... isn't he dreamy?" Her eyes growing wider the closer we got to her hunk.

"Let's give them a minute." Brie stated, pulling me down onto the bench as Kallie ran into Drew’s arms. They were so cute, Drew was one of those guys that looked like a bad boy but had a heart of gold. He'd made her so happy. "Makes you sick doesn't it? Now you know how you and Jayce made me feel all those times I had to watch you all mushy together."

I rolled my eyes at her as my phone pinged. I had two messages, one from Jayce and one from Chad.

Jayce - 'You coming to the game beautiful? Sorry I wasn't at Bio, pre-game practise. Can't stop thinking about you ❤'

Chad - 'Pick you up after the game, 6? We'll get food after. Try not to dress sexy, I know it will be hard for you to look anything else 😉 and tell Brie to stop reading this over your shoulder. I'll dunk a basket for you 😁 x'

"So you and Chad still have your not-a-date tonight I see." She stated, completely ignoring the fact Chad already knew she'd be reading my messages.

"Definitely not a date, I wouldn't have agreed to go if it was and he knows that. I'm not ready to be like that with anyone babe. Not yet. I haven't even kissed anyone since before Jayce left to get his head fixed, I'm not going to date anyone until I'm sure I'm emotionally ready to deal with any fallout. Right now I'm not even close."

She pulls me to her with her arm around my shoulders. "I know girl and as much as I hate to admit it, the guy is actually growing on me. He hasn't tried anything since he knew you weren't ready and I'm happy about that. I want you to try have fun tonight though, you deserve to let your hair down and now it's completely platonic I'm not so scared."

I'm not sure any friendship with Chad Wilson is ever completely platonic.

Kallie walked up to us, Drew behind her with his arms around her waist, nuzzling into the side of her neck. She had a good one there, they'd been together a while now and still hadn't done more than kiss according to Kallie, although with the questions she was asking me and Brie at lunch I had a feeling that was about to change.

We all walked over together to the sports hall and managed to get seats not far up the bleachers, I saved a seat for Harley who came about ten minutes later.

"I have to pee." Crowds made me nervous and that meant I always had to pee when I was in one, during a rock concert Brie took me too a few years ago I almost wet myself when I got stuck in the middle of the mass of people with no escape.

I walked down the quiet halls to the toilets when I spotted a familiar smile under a mess of blonde hair.

"Fancy running into you here." He smirked.

"Are you stalking me Mr Thompson?" I giggled before remembering how much calling him that turned him on and pulled back.

"Come with me." He held out his hand to me and I took it, following him into an empty office looking room just further down the hall.

"What's this?"

"Coach's office, he's giving a pep talk so he won't be back in here until after the game. I just had to see you." He wraps his arms around my body and pulls me up high off my feet into the air, my head having to dip down to rest against his as I lean my hands on his shoulders for support.

I giggle as I look into his ocean blue eyes, the sandy colour of the beach leaking through from the pupils. "Jayce you need to put me down before you drop me..."

He smirks. "I could never drop you princess." He throws me slightly up into the air and catches me, I become slightly breathless, his strong arms making me feel safer than I knew possible as he holds me against him. "I am going to put you down now but only because I actually have to talk to you about something."

Well that sounds ominous. He lowers me gently to the floor but doesn't take his hands off my waist.

"Chad's going to ask you something tonight, and I want you to say yes. I'm not going to rain on his parade by telling you what it is but I want you to go so I want you to say yes. I have a plan."


Coach's voice bellows through the halls and I know he has to run but I want to know what the hell he's talking about.

"Got to go." He leans down and places a gentle kiss on my shoulder before sprinting out the door.

What the fuck? I give him a minute to get away before I poke my head out to check the coast is clear.

As I walk back to the bleachers my eyes are caught by Brie's worried ones, I look at her confused as she nods her head in the direction of the front row. Sitting there in the centre, dressed from head to toe in clean crisp white Chanel is a very nervous looking Tara.

She spots me looking at her and gives me a small wave. I can't believe she came, this will mean so much to him. She hasn't watched him play since he was a kid.

"Aleah!" The very excited little pudding of pride next to her calls out to me, Milo obviously over the moon to be here to actually see his big brother play.

I walk over to them and pull the little man I've missed so much into my arms, his whole body wrapping around mine. Seeing him twice a week at Granny’s for dinner is just not enough, I miss his squishy little face more than I can bare sometimes.

"I didn't expect to see you here sweetheart, I know this isn't quite your thing." Tara says with a small smile. I have to think quick, I know what she’s implying.

"Me and Chad are going out after the game, he asked me to come." Her small smile grows bigger as Milo moves himself to my hip so he can see the players coming in from the locker room behind me.

I turn with him still holding onto me as Jayce emerges, looking completely fuckable in his uniform. His eyes lock to mine first as he sees Milo still holding onto me gleaming at him in wonderment before they turn to Tara's, I can tell he can't believe she's actually there. She tries to hide it but this is clearly an emotional moment for them both. I attempt to lower Milo back to his seat just as Chad walks onto the court, giving me that winning smile right before he joins the line up.

Tara leans into me. "You two would make a really lovely couple."

Yeah, I can see why you would think that.

I attempt to leave and re-join the gang but Milo holds on to my hand so tight I have to squeeze myself in next to him as Brie looks down at me with sympathy.

Tara and me haven't exactly been on the best speaking terms since the hospital, despite the fact she didn't go crazy like Dad, she still made clear that she didn't want me and Jayce together or anyone knowing about us. It had hurt me she couldn't put what could've been our happiness above her own reputation.

As the game started Milo almost ran onto the court himself he was so excited. "This place is so cool! I can't believe I get to come here next week!"

I laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's going to be longer than next week champ, you still have a few more years before you're stuck here."

"No Aleah for the dance!" I look to Tara for an explanation but she's so overcome with pride watching Jayce it's clear she hasn't listened to a single word we've said. Milo pulls on her sleeve. "Mum, tell her about the dance."

Tara finally draws her attention back to us. "The..? Oh. Yes the dance. The elementary school hall is still out of action so they're going to let the kids use the small hall here the night of your winter formal for their own little disco. I've volunteered me and your Dad as chaperones so we can keep an eye on you all."

The use of the term 'all' was not lost on me. She clearly wanted to be here to make sure me and Jayce were playing by their rules, not that I actually had any intention of coming to the damn thing anyway but it was still infuriating the lengths they were willing to go to just to keep us apart.

We watched the game, Milo screaming every time Jayce did anything even mildly impressive. Chad made his shot and gave me an extremely unsubtle wink that even had Tara blushing.

By the time they were over 75 points ahead they were all just starting to show off, Jayce even pulled out a trick shot but I'm pretty sure that was just for Milo’s benefit.

The buzzer called for the end of the match and Milo ran onto the court straight into Jayce’s arms, watching the two of them was too much for Tara as I saw her get a bit moist around the eyes before she turned and thanked me for making her come. "You were right, he's incredible."

Yeah, he really is.

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