Chapter 98

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I was so nervous in the car I thought I might actually throw up all over Jayce’s baby. I still wasn’t even sure I could do this, Jayce grabbed hold of my hand and I loved how his touch could make me feel indestructible.

Having him close was all I needed. One person shouldn’t be able to make you feel the way he makes me feel. Completely, irrationally safe.

We get to the venue and I spot Kallie and Drew in the crowd. Jayce goes to sit with them but not before telling me how amazing I’m going to be. I hope he still feels that way when I run off the stage screaming.

I slipped in backstage and saw Brie chewing what little she had left of her nails.

“Al! Oh fuck! I love you, have I told you I love you? Shit you’re not wearing make up. Quick put this on and sit here.”

I don’t get a chance to answer any of her statements before I’m shoved into a chair and dozens of hands and brushes start attacking my face.

As soon as they’re done I squeeze into my gear and stretch. I’m grateful everything is so rushed so I don’t have too much time to stop and panic about what I’m about to do.

Before I know it our name is being called for the stage. We wait in the wings as Brie grabs my arm to steady me. They announce us and I think I stop breathing, the heat is crawling up my back to my head. I can’t do this.

Brie was right, the lights were blinding. I tried to look as confident as I can as I  step in place next to Brie.

“Bitch, we got this.”

I have to do this, for her. She would die for me, I can do this.

The lights lower and I stare out across the hall until I lock eyes with his ocean ones. He doesn’t look afraid for me, or even nervous. In fact I’ve never seen him look more proud. It fills me with the final boost of confidence I needed.

“Just like we practised guys.” I hear Harleys hushed voice from behind me as the first beat of the music starts.

My body moves, my feet step, my kinetic memory stepping in and taking the reins. I let in all the fear, all the anxiety and make it fuel me instead of holding me back.

The fear dissolves. I’m not the same girl that was scared to stand up in front of the crowd. I’m not even the same girl I was six months ago. I’m not afraid of my strength, my beauty, my heart. I am not that girl. I am Aleah and I’m fucking amazing.

I arch my back as Harley moves his hands over my hips and I know in a few hours Jayce will have me in a similar position, reminding me of the woman I’ve become.

My hair whips, my legs stretch, my arse bounces. I’m completely free. Harley grabs the collar of my t-shirt as he leans me back so far my body hangs upside down around his hips.

I hit every beat and glance quickly at Brie who is living her best life as her creation comes to life on the stage. As Harley stretches my legs into a standing splits I would love to see Jayce’s face right now, realising he’s completely underestimated my flexibility.

I stand and am thrown around like a rag doll as Harley pulls me into our finishing pose.

The crowd erupts. Brie’s glowing as she takes in the admiration of her peers. She earned this, no-one has worked harder for this moment than her. I feel honoured that I got to be a part of it.

We walk to the front of the stage and we take a bow. I think it’s impossible to make out anyone in the crowd until I see him, standing out like a glowing ball of pride.

There’s something else in his eyes too, something we’ll see too later.


Brie still can’t calm down as I help her lug the giant trophy to her car. There was not a doubt in my mind that they would win but she still looked flabbergasted as they called our name.

The cheque they received would keep them in fresh gear and studio sessions for the next two years and Brie might actually be able to work a tiny bit less now she didn’t need to cover them.

“Do you think that Romeo can keep his hands off you long enough for you to come celebrate with us or are you planning on riding this high all the way to bang-town?”

I giggle until I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. “Sorry Brie, I’m not letting her go tonight, she’s mine.”

Brie smirks. “I think that’s fair considering how much I’ve stolen her this week. I love you Al.” She leans down and grabs my face to kiss me. I love her but I think I just felt movement against my ass from Jayce at the sight of what she just did. “Have fun you two.”

I slide into the passenger seat but am immediately pulled from it into Jayce’s lap. His hands grabbing my face to look at me.

“You were fucking incredible.” His lips meet mine and leave me breathless. His kiss isn’t full of need and lust, it’s like he desperately needs to show me how much he loves me with his actions. I stroke his cheek and he moves his lips from mine to my hand, holding tightly.

“I’m so fucking sorry about this week, all of it. I’ve been an idiot, I hate myself right now. I always do this, I can’t cope with the idea of losing something so I get stupid and childish and run away from it instead. I promise you I will never let it happen again. I thought I could feel you pulling away so I pushed you away first, I let that pathetic voice inside my head win and convince me that someone like you could never be happy with someone like me. I’m so sorry.” His voice breaks and I can see the tears swell in his eyes. “I really thought I was losing you.”

I wrap my arms around his head and pull him into my chest. I’ve never seen him so vulnerable. All this time I was angry at him for just being paranoid and moody, it was never that. He’s so strong, puts on such a good act that sometimes I forget how truly damaged he is. Everyone in his life has abandoned him or let him down in one way or another, I’m the only person he’s ever loved that he wasn’t told he had to, of course he was terrified to lose me.

“Baby please don’t cry. I’m here, you could never lose me. I’m yours remember, forever.”

His head moves into my neck as his hold on me tightens, I can feel he’s trying to pull himself back together as my skin feels the tears stop flowing against it.

“I would be so fucking proud to call you mine tomorrow. I want to tell everyone about us, I don’t know why I ever said that I didn’t. It felt like the final way to protect myself and it was stupid. Do you still want to? It’s okay if you don’t, I get it. We’ll do it whenever you want.”

I smile and force his head up to face me, breaking slightly at the red eyes he was so desperate to hide. “I want to and yes you were stupid.” I joke. “It’s going to be a hell of a birthday party.”

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