Chapter 40

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I applied the final coat of gloss to Kallie’s lips and spritz some hair spray on her glossy locks.

She looked in the mirror and shrieked with excitement. I knew it wasn’t as good as what Brie would have done but she still looked super cute.

Kallie pulled out two dresses from her bag. “Which one?” I looked them both over and decided that the cute light blue one with the flared skirt would look gorgeous against her pale skin and complemented her Auburn hair, that when straight fell almost to her bum.

She changed in the closet and came out. She looked stunning and the confidence was pouring off her.

“You look unbelievable! I have a necklace that will finish it off.” I rummage around in my dresser and pull out the delicate silver chain with a blue stone pendant.

“My mum gave me this so please don’t lose it.” I gently place it around her neck and her look is complete.

“Oh Aleah it’s beautiful, are you sure?” I nod, my mum would have really liked Kallie, she was kind but spunky just like her.

I add some hairspray to my curls and go to the closet.

“Is it okay if I go grab a water or something?” Kallie asks as she pops out of my room in need of refreshments.

I rummage around in my closet completely unsure what to wear to this thing. There’s a knock at the door.

“Kal just walk in babe you don’t have to knock" I laugh. A shadow falls over me as a large figure fills my closet doorway.

“Well that outfit isn’t one I’m going to complain about.”

I look down at the silk dressing gown that hung open from my shoulders revealing my black lace underwear. I quickly wrap it back around me tying it tight before looking back at the brunette wall of muscle in front of me.

“What are you doing here Chad?” I try to sound firm but not harsh. Despite me blaming him at the time I have come to realise it was both of us that were to blame for that night.

“Well I was going to ask why you’re avoiding me like the plague? Whilst Brie isn’t here to pull you into the nearest classroom I thought you might actually answer.”

I feel the heat fill my face as I realise he saw Brie help me avoiding him.

“I’m not avoiding you exactly.. okay well, I kind of am. It’s nothing personal, I’m just crap with this stuff, I have literally zero experience on how to deal with a guy randomly.. you know... ing me and-"

“Kissing you. You can say the words Ally.” He grins slightly looking at my lips.

“Yeah well it was a stupid thing for us to do and I know you only did it in this war you have going with Jayce and I want no part of that. Can we just forget it? I actually was starting to feel like you weren’t an absolute dick for a minute before it happened.”

Chad looked taken aback by my outburst, hurt almost but he returned to his usual care free attitude so quickly I wasn’t sure what I saw registered on his face was real.

“Whatever you say sweet cheeks. Now since Bries not here to dress you let’s see what I can find to match that slutty underwear of yours.” I slapped his arm away as he tried to enter but he just grabbed me at my hips and picked me up, moving me out of my closet and placing me down outside like I was just a prop in his way.

He looked through the rails until he spotted a black strapless mini body con dress. It wasn’t even mine, Brie had left it in my bag accidentally after our shopping trip and I had forgotten to give it back to her.

“I’m not wearing that. I might as well be wearing nothing.” I remarked.

“Well that was going to be my second option.” He winked at me.

I looked at the dress in his hands. It really was gorgeous. I figured if I wore it with some high tops instead of the heels Brie would it might look a bit more casual.

I snatched it from Chads hands.

“Fine. Get out so I can change.”

He slowly made his way past me making sure to touch my waist as he did.

I stepped into the closet and removed the straps from my bra before wiggling into the dress. It was tighter than anything I had ever worn in my life and I hadn’t even done the zip up yet.

I tried but I couldn’t even reach the zip. I poked my head into my room and was relieved to see Kallie sitting alongside Chad on the bed. They both seemed uncomfortable in each others presence, looking in opposite directions and not saying a word to each other.

“Kal, can you please come in here.” She slipped in through the gap in the door and marvelled at the dress that stuck to my body.


I smiled. “Can you do the zip up for me?”

Kallie struggled to hold the dress closed as she pulled on the new stiff zip. “This is a two person job babes, your boobs are huge and they’re not playing nice.”

I rolled my eyes knowing he was going to take way too much pleasure in what I said next.

“Chad! I need you!”

The door swung open.

“I’ve waited my whole life for a woman to say those words to me.” A grin spread so far across his face the corners of his mouth almost hit his eyes.

Kallie instructed him to pull the zip while she held together the top. He did it with ease despite the fact that my boobs were now pushed together so much it looked like I had an ass on my chest.

Kallie immediately shoved Chad out and closed the door. I looked in the mirror. I actually looked good, the dress hugged my curves at every angle. I threw on a pair of black Nike high top trainers and my signature chocker necklace.

I liked the way it looked, I seemed almost dangerous.

“I wouldn’t leave you alone with my boyfriend that’s for sure.” Kallie told me and it was the last confidence boost I needed.

As we left the closet I could now hear people downstairs.

I looked to Chad but his eyes were everywhere on me but my face. I watched as he took me in and a tiny pang of guilt hit me as I realised how much I liked the way he was looking at me.

I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes pulling his attention to my face finally.

“You ready to go? Those cheerleaders aren’t going to hit on themselves.” He smiled and nodded but didn’t say anything.

Kallie held my hand as we walked down the stairs. There were already loads of people here. It was colder tonight than it had been so almost everyone was sticking to inside.

I could see the island in the kitchen was covered with different glass bottles containing brightly coloured liquids. The kitchen table had buckets filled with ice and beers.

Almost everyone in the room had a red cup in their hand and was laughing with a friend or flirting with their eyes at someone cute.

“Want to get a drink?” I ask Kallie. She was nervous, I had no doubt this was her first Jayce Thompson party too.

“Just need the loo first, meet you in the kitchen.”

I looked at the array of drinks on the island. I didn’t drink a lot and usually just had whatever Brie was having so had no idea what I was doing.

“Want me to get you something?” I was grateful for once to hear Chad’s cocky little voice.

He grabbed a bottle of purple liquid pouring a good glug into my cup then adding lemonade. I tasted it.

“Wow! That tastes like bubble-gum!” He laughed pointing to the label on the bottle.

‘Bubble-gum Gin'

“Thank you, I love bubble-gum.”

He smiled back at me. “I know.”

I wanted to question how when he lent into my ear. “Sorry I was too swept up to say it earlier but I wanted you to know, you look fit as fuck...and I have excellent taste in clothes for you.” He pulled back with a wink and my eyes involuntarily rolled.

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