Chapter 138

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The next few days at school were torture. I was starting to feel like there were eyes constantly watching me, I would sense them everywhere I went and was on high alert at all times. It all came to a head Thursday and I ended up having a panic attack in the girls bathroom and being sent to the guidance office.

The councillor there was lovely, I couldn’t tell her what was wrong entirely obviously but she didn't push, she decided it was probably best I just went home. She gave me a slip so someone could leave class to take me back to Granny’s and I text Brie to meet me at the office.

However as I walked out that wasn't who met me there - unless Brie grew eight inches, became male, developed delicious pecs and had me wanting to wrap my legs around her head.

“You needed a lift beautiful?” Jayce’s smile set wide across his face. “Brie seemed to be extremely busy doing absolutely nothing so insisted I come get you.”

I love that girl.

With Tara and Dad assuming we were in school we were finally able to see each other for a bit without fear. “Are you free next period?” I ask hopeful that I can get him for a little bit longer.

“Free for the rest of the day, gyms cancelled while they use the hall to set up for the dances tomorrow. I'm all yours princess. Where do you want to go?”

I smile. “Anywhere with you.”

Jayce grabs my hand and whips out of the school car park heading for the outskirts of Westbrooke, our little trip to freedom for one day.

We drive until we reach an empty park, there's a cute little swing set calling my name but Jayce jumps out and goes straight to the trunk before pulling my door open and shoving a basketball into my hands.

“What exactly do you expect me to do with this?” Observing the weird orange sphere I’m grasping like it's something completely foreign to me, which let's face it - It is.

He smirks down at me. “I'm going to teach you how to play.”

Is he joking? “You do remember I'm the most uncoordinated human being on the planet right? Sport is really not my specialty...”

I step out of the car and follow his bouncy excited body towards the empty court with absolute dread. This is not going to go well, I'm pretty sure I won't have to worry about that bloody love triangle anymore after he sees this.

Jayce holds his hands out for me to throw him the ball and practically has to dive to catch it when I throw it four foot away from him in my attempt. “I told you I'd be awful at this!”

He just chuckles as I throw my jacket on to the bench in a huff. “You'll be fine, you'd probably be able to actually catch it if you didn't close your eyes every time it came near you.”

“When something flies towards your face you shut your eyes! That's just human instinct! You sporty type people have just had those instincts knocked out of you with repeated blows to the head!”

I squint my eyes again as he throws it back at me then feel the ball bounce off the top of my head,  followed by Jayce’s infectious laugh. Oh that boy is dead.

I run at him full force and launch my body without a care in the world as to whether he catches me or not, I just want to tackle him. Of course I'm practically a bug hitting a windshield as he catches my whole body around him with ease, holding me with one hand without so much as dropping the ball he’d just picked up in the other.

“It's obviously easier to shoot a basket from up here, you're basically the height of the net as it is!” I complain, my arms wrapped around his neck as I look directly into his eyes.

“Oh, it's really not that hard, this is a low net, look.” He doesn't even move the hand he's not so subtly placed under my bum to hold me up, he just glances briefly at the net before using his other hand to casually throw the ball and I watch as it effortlessly lands through the hoop.

“Show off.”

He finally lowers me down and I grab the ball before sulking back to him. “Okay, show me how it's done.” I finally surrender to my doomed fate.

Jayce steps behind me, wrapping his hands around my shoulders and following down my arms to my hands. “So spread your fingers and hold it here... there, perfect...” His hands guiding mine to the right position delicately. His foot steps between mine and kicks my ankles apart slightly, I can feel his body pressed against my own, his cock gently pushing against my lower back is a complete distraction and he knows it.

He leans down to my ear in a whisper, despite the fact we're the only ones here. “Your form needs work... I might have to keep my hands on you all day at this rate...” His voice so deep it forces the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up on end with every breath that travels across it.

His hands trail back up my arms slowly, stopping at my elbows to position my shot and arching closer into my body so I could feel every part of him held against me.

You know those scenes in the movies, where the kid who's bad at sport is trained by the big bad jock how to play and in the final minute of the most important game they over come the odds and make the shot perfectly? Yeah? That's not what happened here. I let the ball go and it didn't even hit the rim or the backboard. Instead it missed the net entirely and landed in a fucking hedge.

Jayce couldn't control it, he burst out laughing and at some point I'm pretty sure he laughed so hard he had to fall to his knees. Have I told you I hate sport?

This went on for a while, he lined them up, I missed them completely and threw a paddy. I'm not going to pretend there wasn't a part of me that just wanted to lay on the floor kicking my arms and legs like a toddler screaming 'I can't do it!' Over and over again.

Just as I was about to give up completely and run to the safety of the swing set Jayce relented his efforts. “Okay, last go and we'll head back.” Finally.

I took the ball from him, lined up my hands like he'd taught me and checked the position of my feet. I took a deep breath and pulled my arms back ready to complete my successful score of nil points when I felt Jayce’s strong hands grab my hips and send me flying up into the air until I was hovering over the basket. I smiled before simply droping the ball into the hoop in front of me and watching it fall through the net.

I know it was totally cheating but I didn't care, I celebrated like I'd just won state and laughed until I couldn’t breathe. Jayce twisted me mid air, for a split second I was flying weightlessly until his hands held me again, this time facing him.

I clapped my hands excitedly, this was the closest I'd ever come to being good at sport so I was going to enjoy it. Looking down at him I wrapped my legs around his hips to hold some of my weight as he smiled at me like I'd just given him a kidney or something. “That's my girl.” His lips kissing hundreds of tiny pecks along my neck until I giggled like a school child. He was so fucking sweet it hurt.

He walked us over to the largest swing, sitting down with me still wrapped securely around him and gently started to rock us back and forth. I held my hands around his neck and lent into him, letting my head lay against his shoulder and breath in the warm musk of his neck.

I loved those words coming from him, ‘my girl.’

I knew I should be stronger, should make him work harder to get me back but after everything we'd been through it was hard to imagine a day in my life without him now. Why was I fighting this? I know Tara and Dad would struggle but surely the main thing you want for your kids in this life is to be happy? To be with someone who loves them entirely and will look after them?

I don't think there's anyone on the planet that would doubt Jayce’s love for me, even after everything that happened, I know I couldn't. He had proven that he wanted me, proven that he could be trusted. He never pushed me to want him back, he would have accepted any choice I made but I still couldn't stop being drawn to him.

He was the flame to my moth, but was I ready to risk getting burned by him yet?

“Tell me what you're thinking.” His eyes searching mine like they'll have the answers hidden in there somewhere.

“I was just thinking how happy you still make me, how after everything it's still you that gives me butterflies. You’re still the one that makes me smile until my cheeks hurt... it’s still you I picture in my future, nothings changed. It’s still you.”

My heartbeat isn't doing it's usual trick of going crazy, it's calm, in my soul I want him to know this.

His face lights up, his eyes only breaking from mine to look at my lips, he bites his bottom one nervously and I know what he's thinking, am I ready?

My hips ground down into his and I suddenly realise in this position what it is I can feel between my legs, as it gets harder the further I force myself down onto him. I start to move back and forth slowly, his tongue licking his lip and I want it. Now.

“Jayce.. I'm ready for you to-”

Jayce’s phone starts ringing with the doom and gloom music he’d set specifically for Tara.

Our little bubble of togetherness is burst as I motion for him to answer and he grabs the phone from his pocket.

“Hi mum, not really the best time-”



Jayce is quick to think on his feet, clearly years of lying to his mother have paid off somewhere.

“I had an off campus practice at a court out here with the team from Melton, I'm sure that lovely tracker you have on my phone should show I'm standing in the middle of the park court right now mother.” His tone showing how pissed he is at her.

There's a few seconds of silence where I’m sure she’s checking where exactly he is but Tara soon comes back on, calmer now. “Sorry sweetheart, I didn't know you were going out there today. I just thought maybe you were with... it doesn't matter. I'll see you after your practice. Don't forget to come straight home if you still want to take Brianna to the dance tomorrow... although why she agreed to go with you considering everything is a mystery to me.”

Jayce rolls his eyes. “I told you mum, she didn't want to go on her own. She's kind of an easy girl to be hounded by guys, I'm just the protection. Nothings going on.”

I try not to giggle at the idea of anyone thinking Brie and Jayce could ever be together or that she would ever need a guy for protection for that matter. That bitch could rip most of the guys in our school apart without even breaking a damn nail.

I hear Tara huff but soon return to her honey sweet voice as she tries to pry more information from her son. “Is Aleah going to be there?”

Jayce rolls his eyes. “I think Chad asked her so I'm going to assume yes, do we really have to talk about this right now?”

Her response is too cheery for my liking. “Oh lovely, I told her they'd make a gorgeous couple. I'm glad at least one of the children in this house listen to me.”

Jayce tenses underneath me, his hold on me increasing it’s strength. Why did she have to say that? Me still being on his lap isn’t the best idea here but I'm not sure getting off right now would help either, I try to stay perfectly still.

“Well she's not actually in your house anymore is she.” He spits through gritted teeth.

Tara scoffs. “Well that's not my fault is it, you should have stayed away from her Jayce. We'd all still be a family if you had. I can't wait for this wedding to be over with, you won’t have a choice then and we can put this whole mess behind us.”

Okay Jayce, remember your anger management. Tara's words have just slipped straight into me like a knife through butter, I can't imagine what they're doing to him.

I place my hand under his chin and tilt his face up to look at me, his eyes dark with rage. Shaking my head I beg him not to fight with his mum right now, she doesn’t understand, neither of our parents do.

He pulls back his anger enough to end the call without verbal bloodshed. “I've got to go mum, they're calling me back to the court.” Hanging up quickly and throwing his phone at the ground.

I pull him in close, his head in my chest but it's the furthest thing from sexual, he just needs the comfort of my touch.
This whole thing is such a fucking mess.

“I can't do it Lee. I can't let them get married. How am I supposed to become your brother when I'm completely in love with you? I have never felt the way I feel about Milo, or even May, with you. It's never been like that.” His hands move up my back as his head rises to meet mine. “How am I supposed to become your brother when all I want to do is fuck you senseless? When I know how you taste? When I think about how my future with you? How I'll propose to you and what our kids will look like? Your my fucking everything not my sister.”

My stomach clenches, the tears falling from my eyes at the thought of what our beautiful baby would have looked like.

“I want to be with you Lee, all of me with all of you, forever. They can’t do this to us.”

His arms wrap around me and he pulls us from the swing to the floor until we crumble together like one of Granny's pastries. I know I'm digging my fingers into his flesh but it's like I just can't get him close enough in this moment.

He's still mine and I'm still his.

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