Chapter 60

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My eyes flutter open as the early morning rays cast themselves upon my face. Jayce’s arms still placed securely around my waist as I feel his rhythmic breath tickle at the back of my neck.

I can still sense a slight throbbing between my legs, a welcome reminder of what we did last night. I think it was the greatest night of my life, well after we got here anyway.

My hand travels along my stomach down between them, putting slight pressure on where I feel it pulsing. There’s definitely soreness still there but no pain.

“I mean, if you’re ready to go again you should have woken me up not started without me.” Lips replace the tickling puffs of air as Jayce moves his lips all along my neck to my cheek. “Good morning beautiful.”

My body becomes tangled in the sheets as he whips me around to face him. I’m not sure what to say now, how was last night? Thanks for fucking me so well I’d like to do it every second for the rest of our lives?

“Good morning, did you sleep okay?” I sound like a bloody hotel receptionist! Seriously Aleah..

He laughs at my obvious shyness. “I slept with you in my arms, I’ve never slept better. You?”

How does he always do that? He always knows exactly what to say to completely put my racing mind at ease. I run my fingers through his beautiful hair and look into his damn perfect eyes. I can’t believe this fucking god took my virginity last night and it felt better than I ever thought it could.

“Perfectly. Although I could eat a small horse.” I answer honestly. My stomach agrees as it rumbles much to Jayce’s amusement.

"I’ll grab a shower then go get us something.” He kisses my head before making his way to the shower. I sit up, looking down and noticing the thin layer of blood coating my inner thighs.

I go to the bathroom off the hall and run myself the hottest, bubbliest bath I can. The water sooths every sore muscle and washes away all of the evidence of last night until all that remains is my wonderful memory.

I feel different, content. I know losing your virginity isn’t important for everyone but it was the last thing, the only thing, I had left that was mine to give. It was amazing, better than I ever even dared to imagine because it was with him.

I pull up Bries number and leave her on the toilet seat on loud speaker.

“Al! Are you okay? - May! Put that thing down before you kill yourself! - Sorry babe, where are you?”

“I’m good babe don’t worry, is everything okay with May? I can call you later if it’s easier?”

I hear Brie walking up Granny’s creaky staircase and slamming her door.

“No bitch I need the break. Where are you? What happened last night? Have you spoken to your dad yet?”

My heart sinks at the thought of my father. I can’t even bare to picture his face, there’s no way I could talk to him yet.

“I’m at mine, well my old place. We just wanted to be somewhere we could be alone. I can’t face him yet, I’m not sure I even want to again if I’m honest. He’s broken everything I ever thought he was. It’s the lie Brie, how could he just lie to me like that? I fucking hate liars you know that.”

There’s a bit of a pause. “Babe can you come over in a bit?” She’s trying to sound chilled about what she’s saying but there is definitely an undertone of concern.

“Yeah of course let me just- fuck, Milo.”

“Milos there?”

“No. I promised Milo we’d have a day together today. Shit. I can’t let him down. How the fuck am I supposed to get him without talking to them?”

“Shit babe I don’t know, can Jayce just go grab him and you can go from there?”

I breathe a sigh of relief, I know Jayce will get him and I won’t have to face them yet. I would if I had too for Milo but I think considering the circumstances they won’t put up a fight.

“Are you okay for me to come over tonight instead? Or I’ll meet you before class tomorrow?”

“Sure but screw all that stuff for now. You, Jayce, whole house to yourself, spill!”

Oh god here we go. “Are you sitting down?”


After Brie finished shrieking and calling me all the dirty names she could think of I finally managed to wash and get out of my, now lukewarm, bath.

What the fuck am I supposed to wear? I look at my dress from last night still on my bedroom floor, I’m not sure it’s appropriate day wear.

I open all my almost empty drawers, eventually finding the little shorts and crop top that I only wore when Brie would make me practise routines with her all day.

I realise how far my confidence has come as I slip it on. I would never have worn something like this a few months ago unless it was just in this room in front of Brie getting all hot and sweaty rehearsing. Now I look in the mirror and see how good I feel - how good I look. I’m no longer that same girl, I’m a strong, confident and beautiful woman now.

I come down the stairs and see the back of Jayce’s head as he’s sitting on the sofa, feet up on the coffee table watching basketball.

“I went to Kelly’s. There’s a vanilla latte, breakfast roll and box of doughnuts on the counter.” He doesn’t even look up from the game as he talks and I can’t help but laugh at how quickly he has made himself at home.

I grab my latte and let the hot caffeine filled goodness trail down my throat filling my soul. It’s so good! I help myself to a doughnut and move to sit on the couch.

As I take in Jayce I realise now how fucking hot he is. He’s sitting there in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts, his hair perfectly messy and day old stubble running across his chiselled jaw.

“Please tell me you didn’t go into Kelly’s dressed like that?”

He smiles without ever looking up at me. “It was all I had in the trunk so it was either this or put my tux back on, Kelly’s isn’t exactly that fancy. I didn’t hear anyone complaining about my out-" He stops as he looks up at me.

My black booty shorts are skin tight and my crop top so short if I lift my arms up you’d see the bottom of my naked breasts.

“Hang on, so I can’t go to Kelly’s like this but you can walk around the place looking like that? Your plans for today better only involve me taking you back upstairs because there is no way I’m letting you leave this house looking that fucking sexy.”

I almost burst trying to contain my laughter at his little tantrum. “Excuse me? Let me leave? I am not one of your possessions Jayce Thompson and I will wear whatever I want, where ever I want and if you have a problem with it you can go find yourself another girlfriend who gives a shit.” I smirk taking a bite of my doughnut.

“Okay, now you’re even sexier.” He reaches over and pulls me into his lap kissing the side of my neck.

“Besides, I can’t stay with you today, I have a date.” I tease.

Jayce’s kisses immediately stop and his hand pulls my chin so I face him.

“A date? Would my girlfriend mind telling me who she’s going on a date with?”

He’s way too easy to wind up. “Oh the cutest guy you’ve ever seen, such a gentleman. Chocolate eyes and perfect dimples. I feel honoured he even agreed to go out with me if I’m honest.”

“I swear to god Lee the next words out of your mouth better be ‘It’s Milo' because otherwise I’m going to lay you down right here on this table and do things to you that will mean you won’t be able to walk on any date.”

Oh god the temptation to continue this just to get that reaction from him is almost too much.

“Relax, It’s Milo... but feel free to do what you’ve got to do to remind me who my boyfriend really is.” I wink. Jayce watches in awe as I bring the cream doughnut to my mouth, let my tongue flick out of my plump lips and lick at the filling, scooping it up into my mouth and swallowing hard.

“You really shouldn’t tempt me like that princess.” His voice is dark and sultry now. He leans in, his lips ready for mine. Just as I feel his skin brush against my own the doughnut is sharply pulled from my hand and he pushes the whole thing into his giant mouth.

“You jerk! That was the last cream one! First my pop tart now this!”

He smiles a doughnutty smile at me and I hit him lightly on the chest. Why won’t this guy let me finish a damn snack?

His arms circle around me and pull me back into him. That’s where I stay, sipping my coffee on the lap of the handsome love on my life. Who knew my life could be this perfect? If only it could be like this forever...

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