Chapter 23

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Aleahs p.o.v

“You’re lucky I love you. Mornings are the devil!” Brianna - the Queen of over exaggeration. Definitely not a morning person but she’ll be happy later.

“Okay you take this box and I’ll get that one to Kallie.” The plan was in action, just a bit of set up this morning then come this afternoon it was all go.

I was up and out so early this morning I was grateful I didn’t have to face Jayce. It had been a rough night for everyone and I really didn’t need to feel the brunt of his wrath, not today. Today was going to be a happy day.
Kallie met me at the door with a smile.

“I love your outfit! Super cute.” I was grateful for her peppy attitude.

In all honesty I spent way too long deciding what to wear today, it was my first day back with my new wardrobe and I actually debated for a while about whether to just put on a hoodie and leggings and call it a day but eventually I decided on jeans, cons and a strappy top. The top was much lower and the jeans much tighter than anything I had ever worn to school before but after I saw Brie in her barely long enough t-shirt dress and knee high boots I felt much more comfortable knowing no-one would be looking at me.

We set up and made our way to homeroom. I was actually surprised at the amount of people that smiled at me, even Brittany, captain of the cheerleaders, gave me an approving nod. Everything was going well until we got to Kallie’s locker. She stood there shaking as she saw what someone had stuck to the front.

It was a print out of the schools mascot, an English bulldog, with Kallie’s yearbook picture photo-shopped onto the head. Brie grabbed it and ripped it off, tearing it in two as she did.
I scanned around knowing the dickhead that would find something like this funny would definitely stick around to see the fruits of their labour.

Sure enough I spot three acne covered bell-ends sniggering at the outside of the guys toilets. I look back at Kallie and can see she’s desperately trying to hold it together, the tears becoming visible as she tries so hard to keep them in.

I march straight over to them and they look slightly taken aback that it’s me that came for them.

“Was this you?!” I scream snatching the half torn piece of paper out of Bries hand and shoving it in their faces.

None of them say anything but they all glance at each other and smile. I look them over, they definitely weren’t at the party, they look to be younger than us by a year or so.

“Apologise to her. Now.” I say pointing at Kallie who is holding onto Brie like she could collapse at any moment.

The eternal virgin in the middle is the first to talk.

“I’m not apologising to a dog. Look at it! It should be grateful I made it a pure breed, it would have been better suited to make her some flea ridden mutt!”

Just as I’m thinking about adding this twat to my growing list of boys I’ve kneed in the balls a voice bellows from behind me.

“What the fuck did you just say to her?!” I turn around and see Jayce and Chad behind me. I can’t see which one is angrier. Chad grabs my hand and pulls the paper from it. He hands it to Jayce and realisation hits them both.

Jayce looks at Kallie, he can see the hurt in her face, he brushes his thumb across her cheek as the tears final start to fall.

“You three tried out for the team last week didn’t you? Have you been initiated yet?” All three boys shake their heads but they’re looking at Jayce and Chad like they’re gods. I wonder if they did this to Kallie thinking it would get them in with the team.

“You know what we haven’t done in a while Chad. A baptism.” He says through his ever growing smile. Chads eyes light up at the word.

A few more people begin to gather. Josh among them as he looks at the paper in Jayce’s hand and realises his part in this as well.

I’m almost run over as Jayce, Chad and Josh grab a boy each and drag them into the toilets. It takes a minute but after the screams and flushing stops the three boys re-emerge soaking wet with a slight tinge of blue to their hair, Chad, Jayce and Josh following proudly behind them.

Jayce walks straight up to Kallie “I’m sorry. Word should spread quick but if you get anymore shit tell me.”

Kallie nods but I can still see she’s been shaken up. The bell rings for homeroom and the crowd disperses. Jayce refuses to meet my eyes before he turns and walks away.

Chad stops me. He doesn’t say anything, just steps back and looks me up and down before giving me a chefs kiss. I put two fingers in my mouth and pretend to gag then grab Bries hand and walk off.


The rest of the day wasn’t nearly as eventful but me and Brie spent most of lunch hunting down every vengeful girl we could find for later.

I’d finally made it to last period – Bio. I was one of the first to arrive and took my favourite seat right in the back corner. Kallie came in soon after and took the seat in front of me. Although I was glad for the company it did mean I’d have to sit behind Jayce. Not exactly ideal at the moment.

I was engulfed in the shadow of Chads giant form as he sat in the seat next to me.

“And how is my perfect partner this fine day?” He asked tipping his invisible hat and acting like some western cowboy down at the drinking hole.

I just rolled my eyes and decided to ignore him until further notice.

As we started on the project I was pleasantly surprised by Chad. He had done the reading and his own research, he’d even made flash cards with different options for me to choose from.

We worked well, better than I thought we would. I glanced at Jayce but he never even attempted to turn around. I couldn’t understand why I was hurt by the way he was being, I was the one who chose this. Still, there’s no need to be such an ignorant prick.

“So how are you two back to being buddies all of a sudden?” I ask Chad whilst nodding towards Jayce.

He smiled. “He can never stay mad at me. Look at this face, who could ever stay mad at these pool-of-chocolate eyes?” He says whilst fluttering his long eye lashes at me. I shove him hard enough in response he almost falls out of his chair.

“So this dirty text I was supposed to get? I still haven’t had anything.” Chad spoke whilst wiggling his eyebrows at me. Why does he have to do that?

“Is everything with you sexual?” I remark back.

“It is when it comes to you.” He taunted.

Just as I was about to tell him he was the last guy on earth I’d let between my legs the bell rang for the end of the day.

Jayce threw himself out of his seat and walked out with Chad shouting after him. From his behaviour I’m going to guess he was listening to us but it wasn’t my issue.

Kallie grabbed my hand and my attention.

“You ready?!” She practically shrieked with excitement. I couldn’t help the giant grin that spread across my face.

“Let’s go!”

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