Chapter 106

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We were on our second film, that honestly, seemed to have very little plot but did have lots of cars driving fast and crashing into things so I started to pretend everything they hit was Brittany’s face, it made for much better entertainment. I’d text Brie a brief description of what happened tonight and where I was so she didn’t hear it from someone online or Jayce first at the house move tomorrow. Then my phone started to die.

I was hoping I got to see her, or at least speak to her, before she saw him tomorrow. If I didn’t I’m pretty sure she was going to run him down with the moving van. She hadn’t called yet so I guessed she was already sleeping... or at least busy in a bed.

I had started the first film with all intentions of not moving my head from the pillow, both me and Chad keeping our distance, but as time went on we were being drawn closer and closer together. I knew I wasn’t being fair to him, I knew he had feelings for me of some kind and that me being close to him might not be easy so I pulled away and moved back to my side.

“Scared you’re not going to be able to control yourself there senorita?” He commented at my sharp movement. “I won’t bite if you don’t.”

I fiddled with the bottom of my t-shirt, well his t-shirt, as I thought how to word what I needed to say.

“I can’t do that, being close to you makes me feel better yes, but it also gives you hope for something else. It feels like I’m taking advantage of you and you’ve been so good to me.. I don’t want to make things harder for you.” I spoke honestly. He had told me how hard he found things when he was around me and here I was dressed in his t-shirt, in his bed, trying not to bury myself in his perfect chest for my own selfish gain.

Chad turned to me reaching his arms out and pulling me into him until my face landed in the crook of his neck.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hear anything after you said that being close to me made you feel better... That’s all I want, fuck everything else, as long as you smile again then that’s all I care about.”

I buried my head into his neck so he couldn’t see the smile he’d already brought to my face.

Our bodies were close, completely facing each other as our hips touched. Chad’s hand slipped under the back of my top and started to stroke gentle circles along my lower back, for the first time tonight I finally felt like I could relax and soon I drifted off into peaceful sleep.


I shot up from my rest as a cold shiver flew through my body, my peaceful sleep bombarded with images of Jayce...and Brittany. I saw them everywhere; his bed, my bed, the boat from our date. They flooded into my mind again and again during my unconscious state.

Why her? Why the fuck did it have to be her? He could have had anyone! He could have had me....

I can feel the terror threaten to overtake me once again and I needed it to stop. I hate him, I really hate him. He fucking preached about me staying away from Chad when the entire time he knew he was capable of this!

Fuck him!

Okay I’m not sad anymore or terrified. I’m fucking pissed. How dare he do this to me?!

I looked down at Chad as he lay motionless on the floor, I couldn’t believe that he stuck to his word even though I was already sleeping. He could easily have stayed in this bed with me but he didn’t.

I try to lay on my side and look at him for a moment in the light slither of moonlight. He looked so calm, a perfect chocolate eyed pool of serenity. I needed a drink so I lent over to feel for the glass of water in the dark but I hit it immediately and it went tumbling to the floor straight over Chad.

“Ahh! Fuck!” He jumped up, shaking like a dog fresh out of the sea as he tried to rid himself of the water that coated him.

“Oh my god Chad I’m so sorry!”

He just laughed and took the shorts he was wearing earlier off the floor to dry himself. He’d stripped down into his underwear so now I could see every part of him, every part... I watched small drips of water trail from his shoulders across his chest and down between his abs until they fall onto the band of his tight boxers. I wouldn’t let my eyes travel any further down. Just a peek? Ah shit I shouldn’t have done that. The guy was definitely packing. Fuck.

“There’s definitely a joke in here somewhere about you getting me wet finally but considering it’s like three I the morning you’re going to have to forgive me for not finding it... Why are you awake?”

I lay back. “Bad dreams.”

“The guy?” I nod.

Chad walks over to the other side of the bed and gets in.

“What are you doing?” I ask as he slips his arm under my waist and flips me into him.

“Helping you get back to sleep. Now close those beautiful eyes of yours.”

His hand returns to its previous position at the bottom of my back and I don’t try to fight my body as it arches into the touch. It wasn’t sexual but it was an intimate feeling to have his hands there on me.

I draped my leg across his hips as I pulled myself in closer to him, the delectable aftershave he wore stronger than it was earlier. The sensitive flesh of my inner thigh lay across his deep V and the way his bare skin felt against mine had a heat travelling straight from him into me. I didn’t expect it to feel so.. electric.


He turned his head to face me and I looked into his dark honey swirled eyes, his lips so close I could taste his breath on my tongue.

I remember those lips, how they felt against mine, how I hated that I liked the way he used them so much.

Fuck it. Jayce had fucked it up anyway.

I lean up to him, my lips reaching so close to his I can practically feel them already, when he pulls away from me.

“Ally, please... Don’t... Not like this.”

I look at him confused and horrendously embarrassed. He didn’t want me now? Was I that damaged?

“You only want this now because you’re upset and angry. I won’t take advantage of you while you’re like this, you’re worth so much more to me than that.” He shuffled to face my eyes. “One day you’ll want to kiss me just because you want to, because you want me. Not because you’re hurt and want to feel better or because you want to get back at some other guy. On that day I promise I will kiss you, I’ll touch you, any way you want me too and never say no. But tonight just let me be here for you like this, not like that. It isn’t what you truly want.. yet.”

If I wasn’t already laying down I think I might have collapsed. Just when I think I know all I can about this guy he turns around and throws in something like that.

“You’re very special Chad Wilson.. Not in the way Brie says you are, in the way where.. you never cease to keep surprising me.”

His lips come down to kiss my forehead and it sends butterflies scattering throughout my body. I lay my head back down on his shoulder and take a deep breath. He’s right, doing that wasn’t who I am, I need to heal the broken parts of me before I can even think about anyone else.

We both stare off into the darkness as sleep beckons my name.

“Ally, can I ask you a question.. about something you said earlier?”

I nod against his chest.

“If he asked you to stop seeing me.. why didn’t you?”

I breathe. “We had to finish the project.”

I can hear his heartbeat elevate slightly as my words cause me to leave tickling breaths across his chest.

“Was that the only reason?”

I stop, I can’t lie to him, not after everything he’s done for me tonight.


His heartrate starts to get faster still.

“Then why risk it? Why do that just for me?”

I don’t know how to answer this. I’d pushed the feelings I had towards him away from me so far down I wasn’t even sure what they were anymore, I just knew I liked being with him, being around him made me happy.

“..You’re too special to me.”

His heartbeat flutters in a fury and I know I shouldn’t have said the words but I won’t hide them from him. Not anymore.


His breath hitches in his throat.


“Stay in the bed with me tonight.. please.”

His grip on me tightens as does mine on him and we hold each other until we finally fall back to sleep, this time I’m not haunted by any more bad dreams, in fact they’re really.. really.. good.

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