Chapter 21

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Jayce was still in the shower when I heard the front door open. Honestly what was he doing in there? Oh wait. Do you think he was..

“We’re home!” I heard shouted up the stairs.

I was so happy to see Milo I floated straight passed Dad and pulled him into my arms.

“Aleah, I can’t breathe.” Milo choked out and I slightly loosened my grip on him to allow him a better supply of oxygen. I turned back to Dad who had an over the top pouty face on.

“What’s wrong?”

“I used to be the only man you’d squeeze the life out of.” I chuckled at my Dads fake tantrum.

“What can I say? I’ve traded you in for a younger cuter model.” Milo beamed up at me. I’ve never been happier to see his cheeky little smile.

We all walked into the kitchen and I had to stifle a laugh as I saw Tara standing at the counter pulling out china plates and silver cutlery. We all shared a look which Tara clearly sensed.

“You lot are free to eat with your fingers out of cardboard boxes like animals if you wish, I’m just giving you the option to be civilised.” She exclaimed without even looking at us.

We all burst out laughing and Dad grabbed the bags of fast food and put them on the table.

Dad passed me my veggie burger and I couldn’t help but smile as he gave Milo a box with more chicken nuggets than it was possible for him to fit in his little body. He was definitely going to milk this for as long as he could and I loved it.

Jayce walked in and Milo sprung from his seat into Jayce’s arms. Jayce held his brother close. Milo buried his head in Jayce’s shoulder and I could see the look of concern on Jayce’s face as his eyes ran over the large bandage on the back of Milos head.

“You two, your food is getting cold.” Tara said softly as she looked lovingly at her sons. Jayce walked with Milo still in his arms and placed him back down in his chair.

We spent the meal laughing and joking. Milo and Jayce talked in depth about the basketball practises they were going to have, Dad adding a few comments despite his limited knowledge on the subject. Tara talked a bit about the engagement party, they were planning to cancel after everything with the crash but Milo insisted it still went ahead. He said that if they delayed then his hair would have time to grow back and he wouldn’t be able to show off his scar. Only this kid would see that as a negative.

I went to my room after dinner completely exhausted. I needed sleep. I threw on an episode of Friends and grabbed one of the oversized t-shirts I used to wear everywhere to put on for bed. I was just getting comfy when the bathroom door swung open.

“We need to talk.”


“There’s nothing to talk about Jayce.” I didn’t even look at him, keeping my eyes glued to the TV.

Jayce walked over and turned it off.

“Hey! I was watching that!” I pouted and turned it back on with the remote but as I looked I could see now he wasn’t playing, he was pissed.

“Lee, look I know what you heard downstairs and I know what it must have seemed like but I swear-”

I don’t want to hear the rest.

“Jayce stop! Last night was a fluke okay. We were both hurting after what happened with Milo and you being kicked off the team and whatever happened to give you that split lip. We were just emotional and those emotions took over. It’s clear from that conversation I heard with Chad that this is just what you do and I just happened to be conveniently placed in the room next door for you to do it.” The words hurt but they needed to be said.

“Is that what you think? That you’re just convenient to me?” I was surprised by his tone, all rage had left it. He was just asking a question.

“Yes. Jayce you don’t even like me, hell you told Chad you hate me! Trust me, Brie has told me enough about hate-fucking people for me to put the pieces together. You needed someone and I was there. It’s okay. I’m not angry or anything anymore. It was my mistake for thinking it was something different. I won’t make that mistake again and I don’t want to be involved in this little game between you and Chad so I’d appreciate it if you two found another toy to fight over.”

I could almost hear my heart shatter as I spoke the words. I don’t even know why. It wasn’t like he has ever given me any reason to care about him. He made my life a misery for years. Him and his mindless idiot friends had made me spend night after night crying myself to sleep as a child. I didn’t owe him anything.

“Fine. Stay the fuck away from me. Stay the fuck away from Chad and we’ll never talk about this again.”

I go to answer when we hear screaming coming from downstairs.

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