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Chori fever: Human shares food culture and accidentally wreaks havoc.

Some time ago a unique event took place in Devildom its official name was "The Choripan Fever" but a few people still refer to it as "Cuando Devildom se hizo adicto a tragar chorizos" Translated to English is the exact same as the official name. Clearly, it's not a sexual joke. We take our job seriously and I really don't want to lose my position in the newspaper club... again. Anyways, as the name suggests the iconic food from the human world known as 'Choripan' got in the public's eye for a while.

What is Choripan?

There is various version of the dish but the one the human transfer student responsible for all this, Mc, consists of a sausage made of beef and pork, hot off the grill, split down the middle, and served on a roll. The chorizo may be used whole or cut in half lengthwise, in which case it is called a mariposa (butterfly). It is customary to add sauces on the bread, most likely chimichurri. The chimichurri is an uncooked sauce made of finely chopped parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, oregano, and red wine vinegar.

Why it became such a sensation?

We didn't have the slightest idea, so we interviewed the student responsible. When questioned about the reason for such an uproar she had this to say 'I was surprised too. Lord Diavolo asked to tell him more about my home country, so I did. I talked about different genres of traditional music, as well as dances and popular dishes such as milanesa, hamburpiza, lomos y choripan. He seemed to like the name and decided to host a party on the garden of the castle for all high-ranking demons and transfer students to attend' According to Mc, some attendees of the party spread the word and not much later every main street were flooded by food trucks selling Lord Diavilo's favourite sounding food.

Photo of Mammon, Avatar of Greed, working in one of the food trucks

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Photo of Mammon, Avatar of Greed, working in one of the food trucks.

Controversy and rumours

During the choripan fever a particular video aroused controversy and speculation about the future king of Devildom, Lord Diavolo. In the video, which we cannot show due to us having an ounce of self-preservation instincts, the king to-be was caught on camera admitting 'Me cabe el chori' which translates to I'm a bottom. We made a poll to know the public's opinion and the majority just said 'It was obvious' The original video was taken down by the prince's PR team, Barbatos and Lucifer, however many copies can be easily found online.

Following Diavolo's statement it is rumoured that he already is in a relationship with his right-hand man, Lucifer. Others say he is in a relationship with his loyal butler Barbatos who follows him like his own shadow. Some other people say he is in a polyamorous relationship with the two of them. in any case, we accept and will continue to support Lord Diavolo now that he is out of the closet and allegedly in a happy relationship.

 in any case, we accept and will continue to support Lord Diavolo now that he is out of the closet and allegedly in a happy relationship

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N/A: Un aplauso para Diavolo que salió del closet 🤧👏🏻

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