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Kim Jisoo, a straight college student,  she's studying Engineering, and she doesn't even know why she took that course in the first place but she's with Lisa so still she's enjoying it

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Kim Jisoo, a straight college student,  she's studying Engineering, and she doesn't even know why she took that course in the first place but she's with Lisa so still she's enjoying it. She's not that ambitious unlike the other people, all she wants is to finish her studies, to have a degree, and find a nice job to help her family, especially her father, the one who provides for her schooling. 

Her parents separated when she was in high school. She lives with her mother now. It was hard at first of course, but she manage to move forward. She always tells herself to move forward and leave the negativities behind, move on & reach her goals in life. 

Jisoo is just a simple girl, a fangirl, smart, boyish, everyone that close to her like her friends and relatives know that she's like that. She's a crackhead that everyone likes but she's also a little bit a shy type of girl. 

She is not used to sharing her problems or personal secrets with other people, even with her family and friends.  She always chooses to keep it to herself,  she believes that she can handle it by herself. 

Her best friend Lisa Manoban.  Who is so clingy to her.  They are clingy to each other.  Those who don't know them personally will think that they are a couple.  They are always together. Lisa loves Jisoo as much as Jisoo loves her.

As always Lisa said,  "No one can break our friendship Chu"

Jisoo has a boyfriend,  named Jinyoung.  They are dating for a year now.  Their relationship is good, well that's what Jinyoung thinks. They go on a date sometimes after school or hang out with their friends. Jisoo is close also with Jinyoung's friends. 

They go to the same school but they don't see each other often when they are in school because Jisoo mostly wants to be with her friends which are her classmates also so they are always together. They are not like the other couple that always clinging to each other or always together.

But is that kind of relationship that Jisoo wants?  Her past relationships were not like the relationship that she has with Jinyoung right now.

The relationship with Jinyoung now is still good for her, like it's chill. They don't fight. Jisoo thinks she's already lucky to have him as her boyfriend.  He's kind, sweet, understanding, he mostly buys her food like chocolates, ice cream, and pizza because that's her favorite and not any material things because he knows Jisoo will prefer food for them to eat instead of other things.

He respects her, damn he is so respectful they did not even kiss yet and they barely held each other hands or hugged.

But Jisoo wants it.

She's clingy with her exes but not with Jinyoung. She kissed and make out with her exes before Jinyoung.

But Jisoo doesn't want to initiate things first so she didn't mind anymore and thought that there are reasons why he is like that or why they are like that. 

Jisoo is Jinyoung's first girlfriend. 

So Jisoo thinks that's the reason why is he like that in their relationship. Like he's shy, & afraid to tell her what he feels, he doesn't get jealous, he doesn't get mad. If he is, he will not tell to her. He's too good for her. He loves Jisoo, he truly is and Jisoo knows that. 

Jisoo loves him too but in their one and a half year relationship, Jisoo feels something is lacking. As the days go by Jisoo starts to doubt her feelings for him.  But Jisoo is always trying to be always happy whenever she talks to him or if they are together.

She's happy but it's like it's not enough.

They always text each other when they are not together.  It is like their daily routine. Jisoo is already used to it. 

But one night, she asks herself if she's still genuinely happy with her relationship with Jinyoung. 

She doesn't know if there's something wrong with her boyfriend or there's something wrong with her because she doesn't feel truly happy. 

So one night she asks for a sign from God and asks if she's doing the right thing, and that is by staying with Jinyoung and being a happy couple.  And if he's not the one, she asked to give her a sign so that she can make a decision and be fair to him. 

She doesn't even know what kind of a sign but she's willing to wait if there will be, while figuring things out, she continues her everyday life as a student, and as a girlfriend with her good boyfriend.

She doesn't want to end their relationship, so every day she tries everything for their relationship to be better and be happy like the other couple. 

Jisoo doesn't know if her boyfriend knows what she feels about their relationship, she didn't tell him. All she did was love him and be a good girlfriend and try everything she can to fulfill what is lacking in their relationship but then she questioned herself,  "until when?"

Everything was fine between their relationship despite the thoughts of Jisoo about her relationship with him until she met Jennie online.

What will happen? 

Jennie keeps on flirting with her even though she knows she's straight as a pole and has a boyfriend.

Jennie Kim.

The girl who will turn her world upside down.


I'm sorry in advance, this is my first ever story and sorry for my bad English I'm not that fluent ✌ I don't know if someone will read this 😅 I'm just bored so I decided to share my story but Enjoy! 

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