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I woke up first and now staring at the woman beside me who is still sleeping.

I cupped her mandu cheeks and caressed them

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I cupped her mandu cheeks and caressed them.

"You're so beautiful even when you're asleep" I whispered

She started to open her eyes slowly.

"Good morning baby" I smiled and kissed her forehead

"Hmmm" she snakes her arm on my waist and pulled me closer

She buried her face on my neck.

"Wake up mandu," I said as I rubbed her back

"Noooo. Let me sleep"

I giggled. "Did you forget we have a date today, baby?"

"I didn't"

"Then wake up now. Cook breakfast for me"

"What if I don't like it?" Jennie moved her head so she can look at me properly

I pouted.

I saw that she's staring at my lips but quickly looked away.

She giggled. "I'm joking. Of course, I would love to cook for you baby"

That made me smile widely.

"Okay. I'll cook kimchi fried rice for my baby" She said and kissed my nose

I hugged her tightly. 'ughhh what are you doing to me, Jennie Kim?' I thought

"Can you just stay with me here, mandu?"

'Why am I feeling greedy now when it comes her'

She giggled. "You're being so sweet and clingy right now chu? What happened?"

"Nothing. I will just gonna miss you, Jen"

Jennie cupped my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too chu. But hey don't be sad, okay? I'll be back here..for you" She gave me a soft smile

I smiled back and nodded.

Then suddenly someone barged into my room.

'Fuck I forgot to lock the door'

It was Lisa who immediately landed her body on top of us.

"Good morning lovebirds!" Lisa sang, she lay on top of us like a starfish

Jennie groaned. "The hell Lisa! You're so heavy. Get off! You'll hurt Chu!"

I laughed. "Lisa get off before Jennie could kill you"

Lisa quickly gets off the bed while laughing.

"It's early in the morning you're being grumpy already Jen" Lisa teased

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