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"Lisa, Chaeyoung wake up.  We're here" Jisoo woke up the two at the backseat.

Their arms are still wrapped with each other.

They still didn't wake up.

"LISA!" seulgi suddenly yelled.

Lisa and Rosé was startled

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Lisa was now wide awake

Seulgi and Jisoo laughed loudly

"I'm gonna kill you two," Rosé said glaring at them

"Sorry, Chaeyoung. At least you're awake now" Jisoo chuckled

Lisa didn't realize that her arms are still wrapped around Rosé


"Hmmm?" They both looked at each other at the same time and their faces are so close

When their eyes met Rosé quickly looked away.

"y-your arms," Rosé said shyly

"Huh?  Oh, I'm sorry" Lisa quickly removed her arms to Rosé.

They are both blushing.

Lisa cleared her throat. 

"I fell asleep too." Lisa chuckled

"Yeah. That was a good sleep.  Thank you... for your shoulder" Rosé chuckled

"Anytime" Lisa grinned

Seulgi cleared her throat while Jisoo was trying to hold her laugh

"Enough with the flirting. We're here at Jennie's apartment"

"Yah!  We're not" Lisa glared at them

"We're not" Jisoo mocking Lisa and laughed

"Jisooyaaa" Rosé said with a serious tone

Jisoo cleared her throat.

"Okay.  We need to stop now. Because angry chipmunk is so scary" Jisoo whispered to Seulgi

"Jisooyaaa! I'm warning you"

"Okay okay I'm gonna stop now," Jisoo said raising her both arms

"Where is Jennie? Call her Chu"

Jisoo called Jennie.

After a few moments.

"They are going here now"

"They?" Seulgi asked

"She's with your girlfriend"


"Do you have any other girlfriend Seul?" Jisoo asked raising her eyebrow

"What?  Of course not.  Irene is my one and only"

"I'm gonna tell this to Irene," Lisa said smirking

"Yah!  I don't have another girlfriend!"

Lisa laughed then they heard a knock from the window on the passenger seat.

It's Jennie.

Jisoo went out of the car and the others followed too.

Jennie grinned at Jisoo when their gazes met.

"Mandu" Jisoo smiled

"Chu!" Jennie quickly hug Jisoo

Jisoo chuckled and hug Jennie back.

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