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It's been three days since I joined the group chat. I'm enjoying talking to them. I think I can call them my friends now, friends online.

I smiled remembering our random conversations in the group chat. They are really funny and they keep teasing me to Jen. They know that I'm straight and have a boyfriend but they ship me to Jen. I chuckled when I remembered Jennie's flirtatious chat.

"What's with that stupid smile?" Lisa asked and raised her eyebrow

"Huh? What smile? " I asked turning my head to look at her.

"Nevermind. Maybe you're just texting Jinyoung. Did you miss him? " Lisa wiggled her eyebrows

I laughed "No Lisa. He's in his class. I just... read some memes on Twitter. Yeah memes." I said to Lisa who just shrugged.

We are just sitting inside our classroom just waiting for our second class in the morning. Until our professor arrived.

I don't know if I understand anything that the professor said in front. I'm still sleepy. Gosh, I don't know what time did I sleep last night. I was too enjoying chatting with them on Twitter.

I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my phone then I smiled when I saw it's from our group chat. Then I looked at my side and Lisa is staring at me suspiciously.

"What? Why are you staring" I asked Lisa.
She just shrugged.

I can see that she's bored. She rests her head on the table.

"Are you bored Lis? You need to listen to our professor " I whispered.

"Wow. Look who's talking" she nudged me.
I just grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.

"The time is taking too long. I wanna eat Chu... Please give me foooodddd" Lisa whined

I chuckled " Ssshhh be quiet you big baby. It's almost time, just wait."

"Don't call me baby. My boyfriend will be jealous" Lisa said pouting

I made a face after she said that.

" See? You're acting like a baby. And I can call you whatever I want" I said teasing her. Before she manage to reply the bell rang. I get up and fix my things and put them in my bag.

"Come on. You're just hungry. I'll treat you baby stop pouting" I smirked and pulled her hand to get up.

"Yah! "

I just laughed and we went to the cafeteria.

After eating we stayed for a while at the cafeteria. We still have 30 minutes until our next class.

Lisa is talking to our other classmates who are sitting in front of us. Then I remembered our group chat so I get my phone from my pocket. I checked their chats from early morning. Then I read Seulgi's message.

Hello people. Wow, Jisoo you just seen? no good morning from you? I'm hurt

Hahaha, stop being dramatic seul. I just forgot earlier to reply. and good morning to you. Happy? 😂

Aw. I'm so touched. Hahaha, I'm just kidding Chu. I know you're at school. We all are actually. But I don't know the others tho

I just chuckled. Before I can put my phone back in my pocket, my phone vibrated

Hey! I'm here too! Where's my good morning Chu? ☹️

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