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Jennie immediately dialed Jisoo's number. Thankfully Jisoo answered it right away.

"Hello, Chu."


"Where are you, baby?"

"I just went somewhere, don't worry"

"It's getting late chu"

"I'm okay"

"No, I think you're not"


"Baby please talk to me, tell me what really happened"

There was a long pause.

Then suddenly Jennie heard her sobbing.

"Hey.. baby don't cry, please. What's the problem?"

"I... I n-need you, Jen"

Jennie wanted to cry too, she can hear that Jisoo is hurting right now and it's her first time hearing Jisoo like that but, she doesn't know why.

"Baby I'm sorry, I can't travel tonight"

Jennie heard Jisoo sniffling.

"I go somewhere far... f-from here for a while "

"Jisoo don't you dare go anywhere else"

"Jennie you don't understand"

Jennie can still hear that Jisoo still sobbing.

"Jisoo I won't understand if you will not tell me what you're feeling right now?!" Jennie snapped out

"I'm gonna hang u-"

Jennie's eyes widened, she realized what she did.

"No baby... I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice at you"

Jisoo didn't speak.

Jennie took a deep breath

"Okay. How about you will have your summer break here in Busan.. with me?"

Jisoo stopped sobbing.

Jennie was just waiting for Jisoo to talk.

"You said you want to go somewhere far from there, right?"


"I have an idea, what if you'll go here with Lisa, Rosé, and Seulgi?"

There was a long pause until Jisoo speaks

"Okay" Jisoo replied in a low voice

"But can I ask a favor chu?"


"Can you please go home now? It's getting late"


"but please stay where you are now. I'm gonna call Lisa to get you there, I'll tell her to call so that she will know where you are. Please answer her call, okay?"


Jennie smiled. Jisoo's replies are short but at least she stopped sobbing already. She can also hear that Jisoo is tired of the way she talks, maybe she cried earlier too.

"I'm sorry mandu," Jisoo said almost a whisper

"for what baby?"

"for making you worried"

This Is Me Trying (JENSOO)  Where stories live. Discover now