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Jennie didn't realize that she fell asleep.  Her head was resting beside Jisoo's hand that she's still holding. 

It was 3 pm. Jennie woke up and decided to make tea for Jisoo.

After a few minutes, Jennie was about to go back to Jisoo's room. When she saw Irene is walking towards her.

"Oh, Irene did you sleep too?"

Irene nodded and yawned.

"I will go out to buy us food for dinner, maybe later Jisoo can already join us to eat. How is she? "

While Jennie and Irene are talking. Jisoo is starting to wake up. Her head was heavy. She slowly opened her eyes.  She's feeling a little bit better now. 

Jisoo looked around but there is no one. She frowned.

'It was just a dream?'

'I thought Jennie is here'

'but it's impossible, right? Jennie is far from me'

Then Jisoo remembered that she called Rosé earlier.

'Where is she?'

"Chaeyoung?" Jisoo called.

"Where are you Chaeyoungie?"

Jisoo sat up slowly and leaned against the headboard.

Back to Jennie and Irene...

"She's getting better, her temperature is not that high anymore"

"That's good."

"Go ahead. Just use my car again"

Irene was still standing there in front of Jennie staring at her and then Irene opened her palm.

"What?" Jennie looked at Irene with a confused look.

"You dragged me here. I'm not gonna spend too much money here Jen" Irene rolled her eyes

"Gosh Irene... fine.  I forgot my bag in the car, my wallet is in there. My card is inside my wallet,  you can use it.  Now go" Jennie rolled her eyes.

Irene already left Jisoo's house to buy food for them.

Jennie was walking towards Jisoo's room holding the tea that she made for Jisoo.  She expect that Jisoo was still sleeping. 

Jisoo was still leaning on the headboard, she closed her eyes. She heard the door open but she didn't open her eyes.

"Chaeyoung?  Where have you been?" Jisoo asked still eyes closed.

Jennie was startled when she heard Jisoo talk and now sitting. 

"Jisoo? You're awake"

Jisoo quickly opened her eyes when she heard the voice that was not Chaeyoung.

"J-Jennie?"  her voice came hoarsely. Her eyes widened.

Jennie walked towards Jisoo's bed.  Jisoo's gaze is just following Jennie's movement. She can't really move that much.

"Jennie?" Jisoo still staring at Jennie

"Are you real?  This is not a dream?"

Jennie chuckles, she put the tea on the nightstand and sat beside Jisoo.  Jennie placed her palm on Jisoo's cheek and caressed it with her thumb.

"I'm here chu.  It's real" Jennie smiled staring at Jisoo lovingly.

Jisoo holds Jennie's hand in her cheek and closed her eyes.  She can't believe that Jennie is really there for her.

This Is Me Trying (JENSOO)  Where stories live. Discover now