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Jisoo is now sitting on her bed waiting for Jennie who went out again to get a glass of water for her.

"Chu," Jennie said entering the room.

"Hmmm?" Jisoo looked at Jennie who walked closer to her.

Jennie is standing in front of her now.

"Here.. drink your water"

Jisoo drank the water then she put the glass of water on the nightstand.

Jennie sat on the bed beside Jisoo, they are facing each other.

"Are you hungry, baby?" Jennie asked cupping Jisoo's cheek

Jisoo shook her head looking down. She just knows that she's blushing right now because of the endearment again and Jennie's touch. It gives her butterflies.

"Then what do you want chu?" Jennie asked softly

"Hug," Jisoo said almost a whisper

"Aww. Come here baby" Jennie opened her arms

Jisoo's face brightened up and then she immediately wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist.

Jisoo's head on Jennie's chest.

Jennie wrapped her arms around Jisoo too then she kissed her head softly.

"How did you know Jen?"

"I keep calling you since last night than earlier in the morning Rosé was the one who answered the call then she told me what happened to you"

"Thank you mandu"

"Thank you for what?"

"For coming here. For... taking care of me"

"Hmmm. I want to be mad at you"

"Why?" Jisoo pouted

"You didn't take care of yourself"

"but at least you came here"

"Hey! I don't want to go here because you're sick. Please don't get sick again chu. Don't make me worried again. I'm so far from you, what if I can't go here when you get sick again"

"I'm sorry Jen" Jisoo hugged her tightly

Jennie rubbed her back slowly.

"I'm not mad anymore. I'm happy that I'm here.. with you" Jennie smiled.

"Can I stay like this forever?"

Jennie giggled. "Since when did you become this clingy chu?"

"Since you started flirting with me mandu"

Jennie chuckled.

Jennie cups Jisoo's cheeks and looked into Jisoo's eyes.

"I'm so happy too that you're here Jen" Jisoo smiled sweetly

There was a long pause. They are staring at each other.

"I... I like you. I really like you Jisoo"

Jisoo felt the wild fluttering butterflies inside her stomach. Jisoo leaned closer to Jennie, their foreheads now touching each other. They both closed their eyes

They can feel their hearts pounding fast.

"I...I like you too Jennie" Jisoo muttered.

Jennie quickly opened her eyes. It was the first time Jisoo told her that she likes her.

Jennie pulled away to look at Jisoo who opened her eyes too.

"Really? You like me too?"

"Yes mandu"

This Is Me Trying (JENSOO)  Where stories live. Discover now