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There was silence until Lisa decided to speak.

"So Jisoo what will you do now?  Now you understand everything, you are not confused about your feelings with him anymore right?  Will you continue your relationship with him?" Lisa asked her best friend.

"You know what Chu I know you are still the one who will decide at the end but I think it's not right anymore to stay with him if you are feeling like that.  It's unfair to him" Seulgi said seriously.

Jisoo already knows that, she just doesn't know how to tell him without hurting him.  Well, that's impossible, of course, he will be hurt.

"I know I know. But... How?!" Jisoo said raising her voice slightly throwing her hands standing up from the couch

"Calm down chu.  Can you just sit here again? We will help you okay?" Lisa said trying to calm her best friend

Jisoo sat again on the couch.

"I know I need to talk to him.  I... I just don't want to hurt him but I know it's impossible knowing the girl you loved feeling like this all along"

"I love him but I think I'm not really in love with him.  If that's even making sense. I can't stay with him anymore.  It's...  It's unfair to him and it's unfair to myself too, right?  He deserves better who will truly love him with their whole heart and I can't be that someone.  I tried but I think that's not really what I want,  I think he's not the one I want all along" Jisoo sighed.

"Help me.. " Jisoo added and pouted looking at her best friends like a lost puppy

"aww stop that chu you're not cute" Lisa teased just trying to lighten up the mood

"But she's cute Lis.  You can't deny that face.  The one who is not cute when doing that is you!" Seulgi said pointing Lisa playfully

Jisoo let out a small laugh

"Yah!" Lisa pouted

"See?! That's what I'm saying" Seulgi made a face to Lisa

Seulgi and Jisoo laughed because Lisa is acting childish right now again. 

Lisa and Jisoo stayed for a while at Seulgi's house before they went home. Jisoo already decided to talk to her boyfriend as early as she can.  It's really hard for her but she needs to do it. 


It's Monday again.  Jisoo was on her way to school. 

Since Saturday Jisoo has always been lost in her thoughts. She's nervous and worried at the same time,  she even practiced how to tell it to her boyfriend.

She's walking now towards their department until someone suddenly appeared beside her.

"Hey love good morning," Jinyoung said cheerfully

"Oh shit you scared me" Jisoo whined slapping her boyfriend's shoulder

He chuckles

"I texted you earlier so that we can go to school together but you didn't reply," Her boyfriend said softly

Jisoo is feeling guilty right now, she didn't really ignore his texts she just didn't check her phone yet. 

"I-I'm sorry.  I woke up late so I have to prepare for school quickly that's why I didn't have the time to check my phone"
Jisoo said hoping her boyfriend won't ask anything more

Jinyoung seems to believe that so he nodded

"Let me just walk you to your department" Jinyoung offered

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