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Jennie and Jisoo decided to spend their new year's eve at the beach.  The others didn't have a problem with it because they also love it, especially when they find out that there was a small bar near the beach.

Jennie's arm was fully healed now.

They are now inside the bar. The others are already tipsy.

"Why don't you drink Jisoo?" Mina asked

"The last time I drink, it didn't go well" Jisoo chuckled

"Mina come on...let's go" Naeyon pulled her to the dance floor

Jisoo turned to look at her girlfriend beside her.


"Yes, baby?"

"Let's go outside"

"Why?  They will look for us"

Their others friends are enjoying dancing. They are the only ones who are left on their table.

"Mandu look at them, they are enjoying dancing"

Jennie chuckles.

"let's go mandu.  I wanna see the fireworks. It's almost midnight"

"Okay baby"

Both of them went outside near the seashore.

They sat on the sand.

They didn't talk to each other but the silence was comfortable. They are just looking up at the sky until Jennie decided to break the silence. 

"Chu," Jennie said without looking at Jisoo

"Hmmm?" Jisoo turned to look at Jennie

"I still can't believe we went this far" Jennie smiled while looking at the sky

"Me too" Jisoo replied shortly

Jisoo just stared at Jennie. Mesmerizing her beauty.

'I can't believe that she's mine' Jisoo thought

"The sky is so beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah.  It's perfect"

"Chu you're not even looking at the sky, stop staring at me like that" Jennie turned her head to look at Jisoo

Jisoo just chuckled then she leaned her head on Jennie's shoulder.

Jennie grabbed Jisoo's hand and intertwined it with her fingers.

"Thank you mandu. Thank you for making this year special.  I really didn't imagine that I'll end up with you but I'm glad that I did"

Jennie kissed her head.

"Thank you too chu.  You don't know how much you make me happy. I'm glad that I flirted with you back then" Jennie chuckled.

"You made me gay.. for you"

"Well... I'm an irresistible baby"

Jisoo giggled.

"What are your plans after you graduate mandu?"

"My first plan is to transfer here to Seoul. I'll start my new life here...with you"

Jisoo pulled away from Jennie's shoulder and look at her wide a smile plastered on her face.

"Really? You will live here?  In Seoul?  You'll work here?  I will be able to see you every day?"

Jennie smiled at Jisoo warmly then she cups Jisoo's cheeks.

"Yes, baby."

Jisoo wrapped her arms around Jennie for a hug.

Jennie hugged her back, she tightened the hug and kissed Jisoo's temple.

"I'll do anything for you baby. Always remember that" Jennie said softly

"I love you mandu. I love you so much"

Jennie cupped Jisoo's cheeks then she gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you so much chu"

Their foreheads are pressed with each other.

"In a few seconds, this year will end but... my love for you will continue and I'll make sure that it will never end..... Let's be together for a long time, my love" Jisoo whispered as she cups Jennie's cheeks.

"I love you, Jennie Kim"

"I love you, Kim Jisoo"

Jisoo claimed Jennie's soft lips once again under the night sky filled with fireworks.



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