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Look who just went on my apartment at fucking 5 am

Bae:Look who just went on my apartment at fucking 5 am

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Omg, what is she doing?  Haha

Is she asking something about you Bae?

Can you believe that she went here just to ask me to accompany her and drive her for 4 hours? Am I her driver now?  This pretty face of mine? 😒

Hahahaha, wait, 4 hours?  Where did she want to go?

She wants you to drive?  Her car?

Yes, her car and I don't know where she wants to go.  I left her outside after I heard what she said, I didn't let her finish talking

Why you leave her Poor Jen hahaha

Good luck Irene hahaha

Yah! Comeback here outside.  Irene come on.  Please...



I'm waiting for Irene to come back she just left me here inside my car.

I decided to go to Seoul.  Since I only have one class today I decided not to attend.  I wanted to take care of Jisoo. I'm feeling frustrated when I'm thinking that I'm far from her, that I can't take care of her when she needs it especially now, and thinking that another person is taking care of her now makes me jealous, I can't help it. 

I heard someone knock on the window of my car,  and it's Irene. I opened the door from the passenger seat to let Irene in. 

"Explain" Irene crossed her arms looking at me

"Go with me, please. Let's go to Seoul"

"What?!  Seoul? Jennie are you serious?  It's too far. And I have classes today" Irene said

"No,  you don't. I know your schedule Irene, you showed it to me last time"

Irene rolled her eyes.  "Why would you even want to go there?" She turned her head to look away from me


She quickly looked at me again confused

"Jisoo?  Your lover?"

I rolled my eyes.  "She's not my lover Irene... not yet"

"Whatever.  So what about Jisoo? I read your conversation with Lisa last night in our group chat.  Did something happen to her?"

"She got sick Irene.  I want to go there to take care of her. Her mom went out of town" I said softly

"Why?  She has Lisa there, Seulgi and... Rosé,  right?"

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