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It's Monday again.  I hate Monday but I love being in school than staying at home.  Before I get up I texted my boyfriend.

To: Jinyoung
Goodmorning love 😘 just woke up.  Take care today.  I love you!

After that, I took a bath and prepare to go to school. 

From: Jinyoung
Good morning!  I love you more 😘 let's go to school together. I'm on the way. 

To: Jinyoung
Sure love.  Wait, I'm almost done. Take care.

Sometimes I and Jinyoung go to school together when we have the same schedule. 

From: Jinyoung
Hey love are you done?  I'm waiting outside.

To: Jinyoung
Okay. I'm on my way. 

"Mom I'm going now!" I shouted.
"Okay.  Take care! " mom answered from the kitchen

I didn't eat my breakfast because I will be late. I'll just eat at school.  I went out and walk further not so far from our house and meet my boyfriend that is waiting for me. I smile when I saw him leaning on his car.

"Hey love" Jinyoung greeted me with a smile.
"Good morning.  Let's go, we will be late" I smiled and enter his car. 

On our way to school, we didn't talk much.  Just like the other days.  Until we reach the school then we parted and go to our different departments to attend our classes.

When we're at school we don't usually see each other and we just text each other after classes.  I'm used to that already or I just don't mind. 

While I'm walking to go to my first class I heard someone's calling me.

"Hey, Jisoo! Wait!"

Then I saw Lisa grinning while running towards me and panting before she put her arm around my shoulder.

Lisa is my best friend. We always stick together. She's so clingy to me. Actually, we are more look like a couple than me and my boyfriend. 

"Good morning Lisa. " I greeted her while smiling.

"Thank god,  I thought I will be late. The traffic is getting worst day by day, " Lisa said.

I giggled and nodded  "Come on, let's go to our class now" I removed her arm from my shoulder pulled her by her hand, and ran so that we won't be late for our first class.


We are going to the cafeteria with Lisa and with our other friends. I and Lisa are walking while holding hands. It's normal for us to do that, and our friends don't mind, we are both straight. I have a boyfriend, and Lisa has a boyfriend also, to be honest, I don't like her boyfriend, she always cries because of that asshole but I can't do anything she loves him so I'll just support her and be with her if she needs me. 

I know some people who don't know about us will think that we have something more than friendship. But I don't really care what they are thinking, we're really comfortable with each other. She's my best best friend and I really like when she's being clingy. 


I hope there are still vacant tables in the cafeteria so that we don't need to go out to eat our lunch.  I'm too lazy to do that.

I frowned when we entered the cafeteria. "Gosh let's find vacant tables. I'm starving" I said to Lisa while clinging to her.

"Chu you're not the only one who has stomach here.  We're also starving" Lisa grumbled.

After how many minutes Lisa grinned when she found vacant tables

"Here!  Let's order now. Come on Chu" I just nodded then she pulled my hand.

After we eat, we went back to our department and wait for our next class.  After how many hours our classes are done for today. Then I message my boyfriend, I know he still has classes.

To: Jinyoung
Love my classes are done.  Is it okay if I will not wait for you anymore?  I'm with Lisa and after I will visit my father.

I and Lisa are walking now towards the gate of the school and she wants me to come with her and buy groceries for her aunt. I always come with her every time she buys something and I always walk and wait with her until she takes a cab if she will get home already

A few hours later.

From: Jinyoung
It's okay love. My class is almost done.  Take care okay?  Text me if you want me to fetch you.  I love you

To: Jinyoung
No.  It's fine.  Just go home after your class. I will just take a cab.  
I love you too.  Ttyl

"Okay.  We're done.  Let's go home. Is that Jinyoung?  Will he bring you home?" Lisa asked after I replied to Jinyoung.

"No. I'm just gonna take a cab, I will visit my father after this. Let's go" I smiled and helped her to carry the plastic bags and walk with her and wait for a cab.

"Are you okay here now?" I asked Lisa and looked at her.

"Yeah. Thank you for coming with me.  This is a lot. " Lisa chuckles while lifting the plastic bags then she kissed my cheek.

"Okay.  I will go now. See you tomorrow. Take care, Lisa!" I smiled and waved before I turned my back to walk.


Finally, I'm already home.

"aaaahh my feet hurt, we went to different stores earlier" I groaned and lay my back on the couch.

"Oh, Jisoo you're home. Go eat your dinner" Mom said. 
"Okay. Just a minute." I replied. 
But before I get up, I message my boyfriend.

To: Jinyoung
Hey. Just got home.  Where are you?

From: Jinyoung
Home.  Did you have your dinner already?

To: Jinyoung
I'm about to eat. You should eat too okay

After dinner. I went to my bed and took my phone. I logged in on Twitter. I'm active in social media, especially on Twitter.  I'm a fangirl there,  sometimes I just post random things or what is happening in my daily life. I'm comfortable posting there. After all, I know no one will care about what am I posting because I'm not popular or something.

These past few days.  I always feel bored after school. Even though my boyfriend always texting me after school, it's just sometimes I don't feel like talking to him. I don't know why.  So tonight I decided to join a group chat on Twitter.  I just want to talk with new people and see what will happen.  Maybe some of them will become my friends or even best friends.

I grinned when someone already added me to their group chat. 

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