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Jisoo woke up in the morning with a positive vibe. She was still laying on her bed, suddenly she remembered her conversation with Jennie last night.

'It was not a dream. She said she really like me' Jisoo smiled unconsciously

"But what should I do? Maybe I can ask a bit of advice from my best friends" Jisoo nodded to herself

Before she could get up from her bed her phone vibrated from the nightstand, she grabbed her phone and saw Jennie texted her.

Good morning Chu! 😊


Good morning too mandu ☺

Jisoo get off her bed and prepared for school.

At school.

Lisa arrived first so she's sitting in her seat right now then she noticed that Jisoo has arrived too walking towards her with a wide smile on her face.

Jisoo sat beside Lisa still smiling and humming.

Lisa's eyebrows knitted.

"Wow, Chu. You look so happy. What happened?"

"Nothing. Can't I be happy Lis? What do you want me to do? Cry herein front of you?"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Whatever"
Jisoo just rests her head on the table.

Lisa gets her phone from her bag and texted Seulgi.

Yo! Jisoo is being weird right now. Did something happen?

What do you mean? I didn't talk to her since we got home yesterday

She has this stupid smile on her face and keeps on humming. 🙄 she's not like this every morning.

Hahaha really? Oh maybe because of Jennie? 👀

Right. But how can you be sure about that

I messaged Jennie yesterday. I sent a photo of Rosé back hugging Jisoo 😂 I'm sure it made her jealous. And I just said some things to make her realize that doing nothing is a bad bad idea. And I convinced her to tell Jisoo that she likes her. I told her also that Jisoo might like her too. 😁

What? Seriously? Hahaha Seulgi Kang doing god's work

And I told Jennie that there are some people in our department talking about Jisoo since the breakup happened between Jisoo and Jinyoung. I just want to make her think that anyone can make a move on Jisoo if she doesn't do anything. Jisoo is attractive she can get attention from anybody boys or girls.

Woah they talk about Jisoo?

Of course not, dummy. Jisoo doesn't even go to our department how will people know about her 😂 she just went there once remember, I just said that because Jennie is being too slow.

Oh you're right hahaha

So maybe Jennie already confessed to her last night that's why she's acting like that

We will just ask her later. Let's have lunch together later. Bring Rosé with you! Okay? 😁

You know what I'm starting to think that you like Rosé 🤔

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