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It was a sunny day.  They are now heading to the beach.  Irene used her car,  she's with Seulgi.  Lisa ride with Rosé and Jennie decided to use her car too so she's with Jisoo. 

"I don't remember anymore since when was the last time that I went to a beach," Jisoo said from the passenger seat.

"Really?  I like going to the beach.  It makes me feel relaxed" Jennie said without taking her eyes off the road

The others are just following them behind.

"Can we drink later Jen?"

Jennie's eyebrows furrowed.

"Drink?  Didn't you mention before you have a low tolerance for alcohol?"

"Yeah, but I want to.  We can stay on the resort for a night so that it will not be a hassle if some of us get drunk" Jisoo chuckles

"Hmmm. Okay if that's what you want" Jennie replied smiling

"Yey thank you, baby!" Jisoo grinned

Jennie chuckled and she grabbed Jisoo's hand and place it on her lap.

"Mandu you're driving"

"It's okay.  I can handle it Chu"

Jisoo chuckles "Okay.  You're being clingy early in the morning"

"Don't you want it?  Do you hate me being clingy?" Jennie pouted

Jisoo let out a small laugh then she pinched Jennie's cheek

"Yah!  I'm driving!"

"Stop that pout mandu."

"I'm not pouting"

"Yes, you are" Jisoo chuckles

"Whatever" Jennie rolled her eyes

"How can you be so cute and hot at the same time?" Jisoo asked seriously while staring at Jennie

Jennie was taken aback

"Are you flirting with me Kim Jisoo?"

"What if I am?  And why are you blushing? You like it, don't you? " Jisoo let out an amused laugh

"No, I'm not"

"No?  You don't like it?"

"No...I mean yes!  I like it"

Jisoo laughed. 

"You're making fun of me chu" Jennie pouts and took a glance at Jisoo

"I'm not.  You're just so cute" Jisoo leaned closer to Jennie and gave a quick kiss to Jennie's cheek

It made Jennie smile.


Finally, they have arrived at the beach resort. They all parked their cars.

Jennie already told the others that they will spend a night at the resort.

"Hey, guys I got 3 bedrooms. Is it okay for you Rosé to share a room with Lisa?" Jennie asked Rosé

"I think it's okay for Chaeyoung. Lisa will just sleep on the floor" Jisoo said teasing Lisa

"Hey!  You're so mean Chu!" Lisa glared at her

Jennie slaps Jisoo's shoulder

"Ouch! Mandu!" Jisoo pouted rubbing her shoulder

Rosé chuckled "It's okay Jennie, don't worry"

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