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Jisoo and Lisa are still at Seulgi's house they decided to have a movie marathon.

While the two are focusing on the movie that they are watching, Seulgi is busy with her phone on God knows what, then suddenly she got a private message and it's from Jennie.

Seulgi was surprised. It will be their first time to chat in private.

Annyeong Seulgi. Guess who is with me right now? 😁

Did you chat with me in private just to ask me that Jen? Do I look like I care?

Harsh. But are you sure you don't care? Okay 😏

 But are you sure you don't care? Okay 😏

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Oh, what? 😂 and I will just tell Irene that you said that you don't care about her

Wait. No! I didn't say that I don't care about her 😤 what are you saying

So you care about her? 😏

Yes. Why? She's my friend. I care about you all. You all are my friends.

Just a friend? Are you sure? Because I have a friend too and it looks like Irene is her type so maybe I can introduce her to Irene so she won't be lonely anymore. I'm such a good friend, right? 😁

"NOOOO!" Seulgi suddenly shouted.

Jisoo and Lisa who are concentrating on watching movies was startled and jumped a little from their seats.

"What the fuck Seul? What's wrong with you?" Lisa asked looking at Seulgi who was about to throw her phone but stopped anyway

Seulgi was just being dramatic

"Why did you shout? We're watching a movie Seul. If you don't want to watch with us just get outta here" Jisoo said returning her focus on the movie again

"Jisoo is right Seul just go find some other place and do what you want to do and shout all you want there," Lisa said focusing on the movie again too.

Seulgi's mouth was agape.

Yes, they just said that to the owner of the house.

'The audacity of these idiots' Seulgi thought looking to the two with disbelief

But Seulgi doesn't have time to argue with them so she decided to go to her room.

This Is Me Trying (JENSOO)  Where stories live. Discover now