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Seulgi arrived first at Jisoo's house.

She rang the doorbell.

While Jennie was inside Jisoo's room heard the doorbell.

"I already told her not to lock the door. Irene doesn't listen to me sometimes." Jennie shook her head.

Jennie opened the door.

"Irene I told-"


Seulgi and Jennie said in unison but immediately cut off when their eyes met.

"Hello. Seulgi?" Jennie greeted

"JENNIE?!" Seulgi's eyes widened.

"Ahmm yeah. It's me" Jennie grinned


"Ssshhhh calm your nerves Seul. Can you lower your voice? Jisoo is sleeping."

"Let's go inside. I'll explain" Jennie added.

They are now sitting on the couch.

"Okay. Why are you here? Since when did you arrive? I thought Jisoo's mom who is taking care of her? Does Rosé know about this? And did I just hear that right earlier, you thought I was Irene? Is Irene here? Where is she?"

Jennie just let her talk and crossed her arms.

"Are you done?"

Seulgi chuckled awkwardly and scratched her head. Then she cleared her throat.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm gonna listen now"

Jennie sighed and uncrossed her arms.

"Jisoo was not answering my calls and texts since last night then earlier when I woke up I called her again but Rosé was the one who answered it and told me everything. And no one will take care of Jisoo because you two have a class so I decided to go here to take care of Jisoo"

"and that Manoban was nowhere to be found when Rosé keeps on contacting her earlier" Jennie rolled her eyes

Seulgi chuckled. "She woke up late. She's on the way here with Rosé and I wonder where are those two. I thought they will arrive here first"

"Maybe they went somewhere before going here"

Seulgi just shrugged.

"So... Is Irene here?" Seulgi asked hopefully

"...No. I'm alone." Jennie lied. She just wants to tease Seulgi since they are always teasing her too in their group chat.

"Oh" Seulgi looks disappointed now.

Jennie was trying to hold her laugh. Until they heard the doorbell rang.

"Maybe it's Lisa and Rosé. Let me open it"

Seulgi walked towards the door. She opened the door revealing Irene who is looking down and holding a lot of bags of food.

Seulgi froze while staring at Irene. She can't move. Jennie already saw who's at the door and she still holding her laugh.

Irene just passed Seulgi without looking up.

"Jen I'm sorry I took so long. I bought a lot of food for us because I know Rosé, Lisa and Seulgi will be here too, right?"

Irene was facing back on Seulgi who was still frozen staring at Irene, when Irene looked up she saw Jennie was in front of her who is now laughing at them. 

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