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They have arrived at Seulgi's house.

Jisoo was sitting on the couch waiting for Seulgi and Lisa. They are in the kitchen because Lisa was whining earlier and telling them that she's starving. To prevent seeing and hearing Lisa's aegyo they let Lisa help Seulgi to prepare food for them.

Jisoo was just looking blankly on the wall in front of her.

While on their group chat...

Where are the three dorks? The GC is so quiet.

I know right I miss Chu 😔

Wow, Jen. Irene was asking for the three but you only miss Jisoo? 😏

You know what Jen? Sometimes I think you're doing that not just for fun anymore.

I noticed that too.

And what do you mean by that?

I think you like Jisoo. Don't you? 😏

Irene is right. You're being obvious Jen as the days went by hahaha

Be thankful Jisoo took your flirty ass as a joke haha

But you can't fool us, Jen. We're gay too you know. Didn't you notice seulgi is always teasing you too because she can see it too? Even Lisa can see it even though she's straight. Jisoo is the only one being dense here haha

Unknown to them Jennie is blushing right now. She felt something on her stomach but it was a good feeling. She's smiling unconsciously thinking of Jisoo but her smile immediately fades away when she thought again Jisoo has a boyfriend and is straight.

Yah! What are y'all saying? I don't know what are you talking about and did you guys forget that Jisoo is straight? And she has a boyfriend.
And can we not talk about it? I will hunt you all if Jisoo will read this and feel uncomfortable after.

Hahaha, relax Jen. Fine fine. Keep on denying but we know you're just in denial. Right girls? 😏

Right. We will let you pass right now Jen. Haha

The truth will be unfolded soon 😉

Jennie groaned while reading their chats. "They are so annoying" Jennie whispered to herself

Y'all are crazy. Can we talk about some other things?

The three of them decided not to tease Jennie anymore. They continued their chat talking about everything but Jisoo.

Back to Seulgi's house...

They are now eating at the dining table. Until Jisoo stopped eating and decided to speak.

"What do you think about us?"

"What?" Lisa & Seulgi asked in unison they stopped eating too and looked at Jisoo

"ahmm never mind let's eat first" Jisoo replied and started eating again as well as Seulgi and Lisa.


"So... What are you asking earlier Chu?" Lisa asked

They are now in the living room of Seulgi's house sitting on the same couch.

Jisoo was in between Lisa and Seulgi again.

Jisoo sighed heavily. Composing herself.

"What do you think about us? "

This Is Me Trying (JENSOO)  Where stories live. Discover now