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When I woke up I stretched feeling a good little pain in the morning. Then I turned my gaze to the woman beside me who is still sleeping.
Then I remembered what happened last night.

I smiled looking at her.

'She's my girlfriend now.  I made her mine and she made me hers'

I kissed the tip of her nose lightly.

Then I saw her scrunched her nose but her eyes still closed.

I cupped her cheek and starts caressing it with my thumb.
"Good morning baby.  Wake up"

She groaned then she snuggled closer to me.  I felt her warm skin on mine.  We're still naked.

I chuckled and kiss the top of her head.

I grabbed her face so I can look at her.  She still didn't open her eyes but I know she's already awake.

"I will get up now so I can cook breakfast for my lovely girlfriend," I said kissing her forehead

I saw her smile. Then she opens her eyes slowly.  I just stared at her.

'Oh God, she's so beautiful. I can't believe that she's mine now' I thought

"Good morning baby" I pecked her lips

She buried her face in the crook of my neck.

I wrapped my arm around her and I rubbed her back softly.

"Are you still sleepy chu?"

She nodded.

"I need to cook breakfast for us.  I don't want you to get hungry, I know I made you tired last night" I said in a teasing tone

"Manduuuuu" Jisoo hit my shoulder lightly

I laughed.  "Ouch.  But you know that I'm right."

She snuggled more to me.

I sighed. I'm just so happy right now with Jisoo in my arms. 

We just cuddle for how many minutes.

"Baby, you want breakfast in bed?" I asked her while caressing her hair

She shook her head.

"Okay.  I'll get up now.  I'll cook breakfast for us.  Just follow me in the kitchen. Okay?"

Jisoo nodded then she move her head and stared at me.

"I love you mandu"

I smiled and pecked her lips. 

"I love you more baby"

I pecked her lips again, it was supposed to be a peck but it turned out to be a hot make-out session. 

I pulled away gasping for air.  I cupped her cheeks.  "I love you but I need to get up now before this will turn into something more"

Jisoo laughs and pecked my lips.

I got off from the bed and went to my closet to get clothes for me to use and went into the bathroom to wash up. 



It was 8 am when Jennie starts cooking for breakfast.  She didn't see the others yet so she thought maybe they are still asleep.

After a few moments Jennie felt arms around her waist and a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning mandu" Jisoo placed her chin on Jennie's shoulder

This Is Me Trying (JENSOO)  Where stories live. Discover now