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"I love you Jisoo" Jennie repeated

"Jennie" Jisoo breathed out

She can't believe what did she just heard, she can feel her heart is beating hard

Jennie removed her hold from Jisoo then she stepped back.

"Jennie..." Jisoo was out of words, she doesn't know what to say

Jennie stared at Jisoo and smile at her sadly.

Jisoo can see in Jennie's eyes that she's hurt.

"I love you Jisoo, I will do everything for you. I'm always doing my best to understand you but...if you're always like this we will never get forward. We can't move forward if we are like this...if you don't want to open yourself to me"

"Just... think about it Jisoo or else... I-I don't know" Jennie looked down her tears still keeps on falling

"W-what do you mean? Jen... Will y-you leave me?"

Jennie was startled when Jisoo suddenly hug her. Jisoo wrapped her arms around and buried her face on Jennie's neck.

"No... don't leave me mandu... " Jisoo starts sobbing

"I'm s-sorry...I-I didn't mean what... I said earlier...p-please forgive me.. mandu.. please"
Jisoo cried harder

Jennie wipes her tears.

"Hey... Hey baby look at me" Jennie cupped Jisoo's cheeks

Jennie chuckled when she saw Jisoo is pouting, she kissed Jisoo's tears.

"Silly. I won't leave you. Never. I just said that I love you then I will just leave you after?" Jennie wipes Jisoo's tears, the latter already stopped crying

"But yo-" Jennie cut her off by kissing Jisoo quickly on her lips

"I won't leave you. Okay?"

Jisoo nodded still pouting.

Jennie chuckled. 'I can't believe she can be like this, I can see that she's a bit drunk already' Jennie thought

"I'm sorry baby," Jisoo said while looking into Jennie's eyes

"Hmmm. I'm not mad at you Chu. I understand. I'm a bit hurt by what you said but it's the truth anyway...I really don't know you that well"

"I...I promise I will tell you everything. I promise I won't keep it to myself anymore. I promise I will open myself more to you. I promise we will know more about each other, I pro-"

Jennie chuckled and cut Jisoo off from rambling "Okay okay."

"Just don't leave me mandu. I don't want to lose you" Jisoo pouted

'I want to hear those three words from you but I think you're not yet ready. I'll wait for you Chu' Jennie thought

Jennie smiled at Jisoo sincerely and she hugged her tightly.

"I won't ever do that Chu...never"

"I'm sorry again mandu."

"Ssshh" Jennie rubs Jisoo's back slowly

Jennie pulled away from the hug.

"Let's go now, baby? You're a bit drunk. Let's go to our room already."

"No. I'm not"

"Yes. You are. You even let that girl kiss you on the lips" Jennie glared at Jisoo

"Mandu... " Jisoo stomped her foot

Jennie giggled and pecked Jisoo's lips

"I know I know. I'm just teasing you. Let's just talk again tomorrow. If you're sober, okay?"

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