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It's a cold weekend evening. Jisoo just got home. She went out with her boyfriend.

She went to her room. Went to the bathroom to wash up and change into her PJs. She just texted her boyfriend that she will take a rest already and sleep.

Before she can put her phone back on the nightstand beside her bed, her phone vibrated and she got messages from their group chat.

She lay on her bed comfortably and she decided to talk to them in the chat because Jisoo is enjoying chatting with them, she hopes that her boyfriend is already asleep and won't see that she's still online.

Guys, it's been weeks since seul added me here. I just noticed y'all don't use your photo as your profile picture?

Jisoo noticed that they are not using their photos. They used photos of some celebrities. She thinks they are also fangirls like her. But unlike Jisoo, she uses her picture.

Oh right. Well for me, I just don't want to.

Same here. No one will care anyway. 😁

Why chu? Do you want to see us? 😄

Do you want to see our pretty faces?

Haha well let's see. And of course, I would like to see the faces of the people that I'm talking to every day.

Hey! Hey, what's happening?
Oh, you want face reveal chu? 😏

Hey Jen!
Yes. I just want to see you guys.
Btw, where's Irene?

I don't know. Maybe she's busy.

Chu don't look for the others. I'm here already. I know I'm the most important here. I'm the one you want to see, right?

Here she goes... Again hahaha

Hahaha, seriously Jen you are flirty to Chu.

Hello gays. I'm back! What's happening? I don't want to back-read.

You're really funny Jen.
Hello Bae. I'm just telling them a while ago that I want to see y'all because y'all don't use your photo on your profile.

Yeah sure. I'm okay with that.

Oh yes! Face reveal! 😁

Why do you look so excited seul? Haha and I'm okay with it also.

Me too! What about you Jen?

Well, I don't usually share my beautiful photos because of my beautiful face but for my Chu, I will do it.

Wow, Jen. You have some confidence, huh and Jen FYI Chu is not yours. 😂
And Chu send your photo too okay? I think you use your photo but we can't see your face.

Jisoo laughs while reading, then she reads seul message and chuckled because of what she said to Jennie. Then she checked her profile, Seul is right it's not clear. They can't see her face.

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