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"Camila we have been over this so many times you can't come because you aren't old enough! Now stop asking me this or there will be consequences."

"That's not fair you let everyone else go but me. You even let your step kids go before I even go. Do you know how fucked up that is? I'm your daughter but you're not acting like I am at all!" He stood up from his chair and put his drink down.

"First of all watch your mouth and second of all they are all older than you and I know that it's hard for you to accept them here, but try for me?" I looked him dead in the eyes. "Your wife is nothing but a fucking gold digger and she will never be my mom."

I looked at my dad one last time before I went back upstairs to my room. Once I got back in my room I slammed my door shut. I put my headphones in the to the loudest setting it can go to. I was dozing off when I heard my door open and when I looked to see who it was I rolled my eyes and turned the other way.

"You know that dad means well right?" I sighed and took my headphones out. "Of course you say that because you're allowed to go to the stupid meetings while I have to sit at home all weekend long talking to the maids!"

My oldest brother just looked at me and sighed. He stood up and gave me a hug and walked out of my room. I was about to put my headphones back on but my step sister came in. I groaned and looked at her and she looked at me. "You know that dad is hard on you because he loves you?"

"Do you know when's the last time dad said that he loved me? Since my mom died and the day he got remarried to Stephanie, your mom. So he doesn't love me so get the fuck out of my room!" She walked out and slammed my door.

Finally I was left alone but I didn't feel like going down to eat so I just asked one of the maids to bring me something. "Here's your food Ms. Camila." I looked to see my favorite person in the whole wide world because she is the only one who understands me and she was my mom's best friend.

I smiled at her while she put my food down and she came over to my bed and hugged me. "He misses her to Camila I know he does." I sighed knowing that my mom's death hit her hard and it hurt her when my dad got remarried.

"Well I'll let you eat and let me know if you need anything." I only nodded while she left and when she left I picked up the food and started eating the food while some tears left my eyes because I was thinking about how my life went downhill when we lost my mom.

After I ate I went into my bathroom so I could start getting ready for bed. Once I was done in the shower I noticed that my plate was gone so one of the maids must have gotten it. I locked my door before I jumped into bed.

I woke up by my alarm going off so I woke up and got started with my day I went to go take a shower and do all of my hygiene stuff and put my clothes on. I walked downstairs about to leave but my dad stopped me.

"Come sit down and eat with us and I won't take no for an answer. We are having your favorite." I sighed and sat down in a chair silently while everyone else was socializing. All of a sudden my dad turned to me. "Honey we're all going out of town tonight for the weekend so you'll be home alone alright."

I nodded my head and told him that I need to get to school so I got up from the table and headed out the door and walked to school since it took 5 minutes to get to school. Once I walked in my best friend Kinsley was waiting for me.

"I take by the mood you're in you're home alone for the weekend?" I nodded my head and walked to my locker. "I think you should take advantage of that I mean do something rebellious!" I started thinking because I could have fun with this.

"You're right Kinsley I'm going to have the biggest party of the year!" She smirked at me as we walked to class. Once we got to first hour we met up with some friends we told them to tell everyone they knew that they were invited to the party.

Reckless stepsWhere stories live. Discover now