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I turned over and landed against a hard chest so I opened my eyes and shook him and he was beginning to wake up "morning" he said to me as he kissed my forehead and I smiled at him and started to talk. "You know we didn't even get interrupted once!" He nodded his head and started to get up and I groaned.

"No I want to stay in bed all day long with you!" I pouted and he just laughed and kissed my lips. I ran my hands through my hair and tried to get up but I fell down and Tristan came in the room and when he saw me he laughed.

"It's not funny you did this to me!" I glared at him and he came over to me and carried me into the bathroom and turned on the bath water and he turned towards me and I smiled at me and I smiled back "well Lucas texted me saying that they are coming up in a few so I'll you take your bath and if you need me I'll be in the living room."

"Why can't you stay and take a bath with me?" I slowly walked over to him and curled my arms around his neck and he sighed. "I'm not staying because you're sore and I don't want to hurt you any more." I pulled him into me and went to his ear and whispered 'please.'

He rolled his eyes and nodded his head and I smiled as he helped me in the tub and once I got situated he took his clothes off and got in the tub to. "This is so relaxing! I'm surprise that we haven't gotten interrupted yet." I laid back onto his chest and closed my eyes while he was kissing my shoulder.

"Hey, don't fall asleep!" He scolded as he stopped kissing me and I rolled my eyes and turned to face to him and gave him a kiss and turned back around and I guess when I moved I brushed against him because he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back and I smirked doing it again.

"I know what you're doing and unless you want me to fuck you knowing that you're sore, I suggest that you stop." I was about to say sorry but the dominance in his voice turned me on so before my brain could process this my mouth decided to say something instead.

"So fuck me." Suddenly I was flipped over and he was on top of me and I bit my lips again while looking into his dark eyes as he stared right back into mine.

"You do know you're playing with fire...right?" He asked leaning in close to me but not before sliding between my legs.

I gulp and nodded as I continued to look at him silently while biting my lips and his eyesgot a little darker as he leaned in some more. "Don't bite your lips like that" he whispered and I frowned at him.


"Because it makes you look even more sexy. I can barley control myself around you hot naked body and you, biting your lips, is only making it harder. So stop it" he warned me and I nodded my head before I stopped biting my lips and began to replay in my mind what he had said just now.

Well does this means he isn't gonna fuck me?"So you're not gonna fuck me?" I asked looking up to him and a small smirk made its way to his lips."No." He replied and I sighed in response and I felt sad for some reason as well.

"I'm gonna make love to you" he added and I looked at him with wide eyes. His smirk only got wider from my reaction and I literarily froze up, looking at him.

Then he leaned in and before you know it, he planted his lips into mine which for some reason made my body relax.

I closed my eyes as he deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and before you knew it, thing got steaming real fast.

But before anything could happen there was a knock on the door and we both groaned and he got out of the tub and put some clothes on and after a while I heard Lucas and Kinlsey's voices and I rolled my eyes and put on a robe and walked out.

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