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"You want your brother to kill me don't you?" I looked over at Ellie and she put her hand over her chest and gasped. "I would never want him to do that right Kinsley?" I looked over at Kinsley and all she did was nod her head and I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"Here now go try it on." I sighed and took the lingerie from Ellie and walked in the dressing room to try it on. After I tried it on I had to admit that I did look good and when I was going to take it off Ellie called my name. "Come out and show your boyfriend your little surprise." I took a deep breath and walked out luckily there was hardly anyone here.

Once I walked out everyone's eyes widened and when I looked at Tristan he immediately came up to me and pushed me behind him and glared at Ellie and Kinsley. While they were laughing Tristan pushed me inside and pinned me against the wall.

"Alright in my defense I told them that you were going to kill me so you should just blame them."He looked me up and down before talking. "I mean you look beautiful with it on but this should be for my eyes only because I don't want my siblings looking at what's mine."

I bit my lip and nodded my head before pushing him out the door well trying to. "Why are you trying to push my out the door?" He turned around and looked at me confused. "You need to get out so I can get dressed." He sighed and walked out but not before he kissed me and mumbled. "I've already seen everything."

When he shut the door my eyes widened and I blushed at what he just said. After I got dressed I walked out and saw that everyone was waiting on me. When Ellie looked up and saw me she smirked and came up to me. "I'm surprised that he let you off the hook so easily." I chuckled at her and told her that I told Tristan to blame her and not me then walked away.

In the background I could hear Ellie call my name so I just laughed and Al of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned my head I saw Kinsley smirking. "What is with you and Ellie smirking at me?" She chuckled and looked around us then looked back at me.

"I'm just surprised that you two aren't fucking in the dressing room." My eyes widened and smacked her arm. "Kinsley, you think that low of me?!" She looked at me with her arms crossed. "I mean before Jax and Ellie got here you were about to ride him-" I hurried and covered her mouth before she could say anything. Lucas and Tristan came over and they both looked confused. "Camila why is your hand over her mouth?"

You could hear Kinsley's mumbled laughing and when I let go she immediately turned toward Tristan. "All I said was that I'm surprised that you two weren't fucking in the dressing room." Lucas started laughing and Tristan walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders while I just put my head in my hands.

"Don't be embarrassed by that let's go check out because you'll be wearing that on Saturday." We walked away and when I turned around Lucas and Kinsley's eyes were both huge. "I can't believe that you just said that." He chuckled while handing the cashier his card and I looked at him confused.

"How'd you get your card it was in my pocket?" The cashier handed his card back and he put it in his wallet. "You're not the only one who can pick pocket people." I grabbed the bag and rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you four ready to go?" They all nodded their heads and we headed out. Right now all we were doing was walking around and I was starting to get bored and I guess that Tristan could tell because he kept trying to kiss on me. I looked at him and he just licked his lips. "You look like you're about to fall asleep."

I shrugged my head and laid my head on his arm while we walked until Ellie stopped. "No we have two pizzas at home you're not getting anything else." If death glared could kill Jax would've been dead in seconds. I chuckled at them while sitting down knowing that they might be at this for a while.

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