Twenty three

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My eyes widened to see everyone standing by the door looking at me. "We missed you so much how was your trip?!" Stephanie ran up and gave me a hug and so did my dad.

"Are you two feeling okay?" I put my hand on my dad's forehead to check his temperature and he just laughed and took my hand away from his head. "Nothings wrong I just missed you that's all, now are you hungry I can have Caroline fix you something to eat."

I shook my head no and started to walk to the staircase but then my dad stopped me. "Where's Kinsley? She usually comes in if she drops you off then she stays for a little while." My eyes widened so I turned back around to them and look at them. "She did drop me off but her mom wanted her home because she missed her."

They nodded her head and when I turned back around they stopped me again. "So you know what's in a week Camila?" I nodded my head and told them that it was my birthday. "I want you to tell me what you want to do for your birthday by Wednesday alright so we can get everything ready." I nodded my head and told them goodnight.

I walked upstairs and when I got to my room I shut and locked the door and saw Tristan on my bed. "What took you so long to get up here?" I pointed at the door and he looked at me confused. "Those psychopaths downstairs asking me all types of shit."

He quietly laughed and stood off the bed and pulled me into his arms. "Did one of your brother come and get your car?" He nodded his head and kissed my forehead before talking. "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" He chuckled at me before licking his lips.

"Tomorrow we will look through your dad's things then either Lucas and I will find out who's been texting you or Kinsley and Lucas will then we can have some promised alone time that I owe you from earlier." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he gripped my thighs picking me up.

"So I take it that I'm going over your house tomorrow?" He looked at me before putting me on the bed and him hovering over me. "If you really want to then yes but trust and believe there will be no baby pictures or any sort." I laughed and went up to his ear.

"No promises." He playfully glared at me and picked up a pillow and smacked me with it. I guess we were laughing a little too loud because my dad knocked on my door. "Can I come in?" I told him just a second and pushed Tristan off of me and stood off the bed.

"Go in the closet!" I hurried up and whispered yelled then opened the door. "You okay Camila?" I nodded my head and he walked in my room and sat down on my bed. "Is it okay if I stay home tomorrow with Kinsley and then stay the night with her?" He sighed and told me yes.

"You know that we're excited that you're home and we want to do something as a family with your birthday. "Your grandparents were sorry that they couldn't be here for when you came back but they'll be here a little bit later." All I did was just nod my head and he stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"Did you get a new bag?" We pulled apart and looked at my bag. "Yeah Kinsley and I went shopping and bought a couple of things so I had fo get a new bag because all of my stuff wouldn't fit." He nodded his head and was about to walk out but a sound came from my closet.

"What was that?" My eyes widened when he started walking towards my closet but I stopped him before he could walk any further. "When I was packing I destroyed my whole closet so it's probably just clothes falling." All he did was nod and walk out the room and when he did I went to the door and locked it then let out a breath of relief.

When Tristan came out of the closet I threw a shoe at him. "What was that for?!" He threw my shoe on the floor and I picked up another one and threw it at him. "You almost got caught by my dad what the hell were you doing in there!"

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