Thirty two

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"Dad what are you doing here?" I followed my dad's eyes when he went to Tristan and Lucas. "I could ask you girls the same question why aren't you in school." I was going to come up with something but Tristan beat me to it. "We're on our lunch break and decided to get something from here."

My dad nodded his head and started talking. "Well I was about to get you from school but now since you're out you can just head home and you three are welcome to join her."

I looked at my dad confused. "Are you feeling okay?" My dad and Stephanie started laughing. "Yes I'm fine I just thought that you two would be tired from staying up all night together." I just nervously smiled and nodded my head.

"Well I know that you four want to get something to eat so I'll leave you to it." I nodded my head right as someone took us to our seats. Once we sat down Kinsley looked at me with wide eyes. "What the hell was that about?!" I shook my head and looked down when Tristan put his hand on my thigh.

"Do you think that he's catching on?" I looked at the three of them and Lucas shook his head. "I think that he's wondering why is my daughter sitting across a really hot guy, but since he said that we don't have to go back to school we aren't."

I nodded my head to the last part he said and when the waiter came over to us and asked us what we wanted I got the same thing as Tristan which was a sandwich. "Think about it this way I can have you a little bit earlier." I looked up at him and went up to his ear. "Calm down, my dad is still here and I'm not fucking you in the bathroom." I looked over at Lucas and Kinsley to make sure they weren't paying attention.

"Well it isn't the first time and it sure as hell won't be the last time either." Looked away so he couldn't see me blush. After awhile our food came and we started eating. I felt my phone vibrate but it was probably someone asking about a party so I didn't bother looking at it. "Kinsley what are you planning because people keep coming up to me." She stopped mid but and looked at me.

"You don't need to worry about it just tell them to come and talk to me." I sighed failing I didn't get anything from her so I just kept eating my food till I finished. Once we finished I tried to pay but Tristan grabbed the bill out of my head. "I thought that I had to pay?" I smirked and he just rolled his eyes. Once he paid we went to the car but not before my dad came up to us and gave me a hug. "I'll see you at home right?" I nodded my head and walked to the car.

"What did he say to you?" I saw Tristan's jaw clench. "Calm down it's nothing I promise all he asked me was if he was going to see me at home." He nodded his head and got in the car where Lucas and Kinsley were waiting for us. "Well that was very awkward lunch." I nodded my head and put my head on the window.

Once we got to the school Lucas and Kinsley got out but before Kinsley did she turned around. "You two be safe and we'll get with you guys later." I nodded my head and gave her a hug. "You ready?" I looked over and shook my head while he laughed and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'm not too sure that I want to go home with just you." Tristan furrowed his eyebrows at me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I quietly laughed at him. "Let's go hangout with Jax and Ellie because it'll be awhile before we can hang out with Lucas and Kinsley because they were giving 'I want to fuck you' vibes."

He laughed and nodded his head. "Fine but you can't go shopping which Ellie anymore." I turned my head and asked him why. "The last time she showed people what I'm only supposed to see." I nodded my head and unhooked my seatbelt as we were pulling up to his house.

Once we got out of the car Tristan wrapped his arm around me and unlocked the door. "Ellie Jax you here?" When he didn't get a response he pushed me and I fell back on the couch and he came to hover over me.

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