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I walked downstairs to see my dad sitting on the couch. "Yeah dad?" Once he noticed me he stood up and looked at me. "Caroline told me that you weren't feeling good so I called but you weren't answering the phone, but I can call your grandparents to see if they can come back early from a friends house to sit with you." My eyes widened as I looked at him because I forgot about my grandparents.

"No that's okay I was asleep when you called but you don't have to call grandma and grandpa I'm fine." He shook his head and went to his office so I started to head upstairs but he called me again to come in his office. "Hey come here." I walked over to his desk and sat in a chair. "You and Kinsley are still going on your little trip tomorrow right?" I told him that we were.

"Her mom is going to pick us up around 7 and I'll be back on Monday morning or evening it depends on what time our flight is." He nodded his head and grabbed a folder and something caught my eye as he grabbed the folder but covered it as he walked out so I followed him. "I'll be home a little late so see if you can go to Kinsley's for a little bit." I just shook my head while he walked out of the door.

I let out a breath that I had been holding and ran upstairs. I opened my door to see Tristan eating something. "What are you eating?" He jumped while I laughed at him but then once I saw what he was eating I slapped his head. "How did you know about my secret stash?!" He looked at me while rubbing his head.

"First of all ow and Kinsley told me you have good stuff in your bottom drawer so I looked and she was right!" I sighed and sat on my bed and he followed my movements and sat next to me. "What did your dad want to talk about?" I looked at him and sighed  "my dad was asking if someone needed to stay with me but we need to go back in his office."

"I thought that you found everything that you needed? What changed?" I pulled him up and he groaned as we walked downstairs. He looked at me I handed the stuff and he opened it and I walked over to his desk. "Do you have your phone on you?" He checked his back pocket and took his phone and gave it to me.

I grabbed his phone and turned it to the camera and when to the desk and grabbed the paper and took a picture of it and then I pulled out of the room and he locked it back. "So are you going to tell me what that was about?" I showed him the photo and told him to read it.

"Your birthday is in two weeks, why didn't you tell me!" I turned the phone around to look and see then I looked back at him and told him to read the whole thing. "On Camila's birthday start taking the plan in action and once it's done we move out." I could tell that he was confused.

"What are you thinking about?" He looked at me then grabbed his phone and zoomed in. "It's just weird on what their planning like after your birthday you're 18 so are you guys moving away or?" I grabbed his chin making him look at me.

"Hey calm down if they were to move then I would just not go with them. I'm also sure that they would be happy when I turn 18 so they don't have to deal with me." He nodded and looked at my eyes then went down to my lips then went back up to my eyes while I did the same.

"Before you kiss me I want to ask you something." He nodded his head looking at me to continue "I was thinking that we should wait until we go on the trip to you know." I gestured with my hands and he laughed and told me okay before kissing me.

I began to straddle him and pushed on his shoulders so we were laying down. "Are you sure that your parents are going to be okay with us taking you out of the country because I'm not going to be responsible for you if die? I tried to kiss me but I pulled away and gave him a look.

"Yes my parents will be okay with it. I'm alright my brother is coming and I'm not going to die. Besides if anything I'm doing them a favor because they'll probably try and get everyone else out of the house to have sex." I was about to say something but he grabbed the back of my neck and smashed his lip on mine.

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