Twenty nine

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Tristan and I fell back on the bed trying to catch our breath. "Another round?" I chuckled at him and grabbed his face to pull him in for another kiss. "I'll take that as a yes?" I nodded my head but all of a sudden started started banging on the door.

"No more rounds you two have been going at it for hours, shut the fuck up I'm tired of hearing you moan and groan!" I chuckled at his brother and looked at my phone to look at the time but saw that I had over 10 missing calls from Kinsley. "She's going to kill me." I nodded my head and started to call her and after one ring she answered the phone.

"What were you doing that I was sent to your voicemail ten times?!" I heard Tristan laugh behind me so I elbowed him. "You know that I'm at Tristan's house right now." On the other line I could hear her laughing. "You two were having sex weren't you!" Tristan took the phone from me to talk to her.

"Yeah we finally had sex without you cockblocks in the way." I playfully rolled my eyes and took my phone back. "One the other hand, how are you because Lucas said that you wanted to be alone for a little while." I guess that Tristan was done being patient so he started kissing my neck. "Yeah everything's okay I just wanted to be alone but he said that he's going to come and pick me up so he dressed"

"We'll try." After I said that Tristan ended the call and pushed me down on the bed but I shook my head. "You said that you were up for another round." I sat up and wrapped his sheets around my chest just in case someone walked in. "Well plans have changed because your brother is getting Kinsley so we have to get ready."

He groaned and got but when I tried to get up I fell on the ground. I heard him laughing and I gave him a glare when he came over to my side. "Don't laugh at me you did this!" He smirked then bent down to pick me up bridal style and sat me on top of his dresser.

"Come on Kinsley said that she's going to be here soon." He groaned and went into a drawer and got me some more clothes. "You know that you owe me some new underwear." He chuckled but then stopped when I looked him dead in the eye. "Alright don't look at me like you're gonna kill me, we'll go tomorrow."

I hopped off the drawer with Tristan's help and when we got our selves situated we went downstairs to see that Kinsley and Lucas were watching tv. "Finally! Took you guys long enough." I glared at the both of them and sat down on the couch.

"So I heard that someone got pushed in the pool today because a certain someone wouldn't tell Camila something." I smirked at Lucas while he just glared at me. "I did it twice." She laughed and gave me a high five. "Alright whatever so what have you two been up to besides having sex."

"Well in my defense we were going to go again but you interrupted the fun." Tristan looked at her while she smiled. "Well you know that's the job." He rolled his eyes then looked at Lucas. "Where's everyone else?" I looked around and saw that no one else was here besides us. "They left to get something to eat, you probably couldn't hear after your activities." I buried my face into Tristan's shirt while he grabbed the remote.

"Alright what are we gonna watch until they get back?" I just shrugged my shoulders and he just turned on a movie. Once Tristan laid back on the couch he pulled me into him.

When I looked over at Kinsley and Lucas they looked far apart from each other but I just shrugged it off and turned my focus back to the tv when the door opened and Jax and Ellie came in with 2 pizzas. "Wow I'm surprised that you two are dressed." Tristan lifted up and threw a pillow at Ellie.

"You 4 ready to eat?" Ellie looked at us and I was about to walk in the kitchen but Tristan grabbed me and when to the bathroom. "What are you up to mister?" He shrugged his shoulders and started kissing my neck "I think you owe me another round." I smirked at him and nodded my head while I wrapped my arms around his neck but someone opened the door. "Dammit Ellie!" She smirked at us. "Lucas' girl said that you might be in here."

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