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The sound of my alarm going off woke me up from a good dream I was having. I groaned and got up and walked downstairs to make sure that everyone was gone. I checked everywhere so I went back upstairs to take a shower and changed into a hoodie and shorts with my bathing suit underneath. I was watching tv to kill some time until I heard someone knocking. I opened the door to see Tristan with a backpack.

"You know that the whole point of not going to school is to not bring anything school related to the house since we're ditching." He rolled his eyes at me and told me his swimming trunks were in there. He walked in the house and sat down on the couch so I sat next to him.

"What do you want to do first?" He chuckled before looking at me. "I really want to have sex with you after what you pulled yesterday but I'm afraid that we'll get interrupted, so swimming." I showed him where the bathroom was and I went outside to lay in a chair and closed my eyes but opened them when I heard a big splash.

When he came up he was covered in tattoos and he looked at me and smirked "like what you see?" I nodded my head yes and he laughed. "That spot has some good memories you know." I smiled knowing what he was talking about. "Get in the water feels great!" I sighed and gave in and stepped in the water but it was freezing cold "you asshole it's freezing cold!" He told me to move around.

I turned to asked him a question but he wasn't there so I looked under the water and saw him and laughed but all of a sudden I felt something on my leg. I tried to kick him off of me playfully until he pulled me underwater and gave me a kiss until I couldn't breathe so I went above water.

He came up and splashed me and that turned into a big splash fight until he threw me over his shoulder and I slapped his ass for him to let me go but he ended up slapping mine. "You like the view because I'm enjoying mine." I slapped him one more time before he put me on the ledge of the pool.

"So did you talk to your dad after I left?" I sighed and stood up and he followed my movements and sat on the chair next to me. "No I didn't because it freaked me out." He got up and came over to me "everyone is gone right?" I shook my head yes and picked me up as he started walking in the house.

He sat me on the counter and gave me kiss. "You ready to snoop around?" I said "hell yeah!" I jumped down from the counter and went to get him a towel because we were both soaking wet then went to my room so I could change. Once I was done changing I went downstairs to see him out of the bathroom.

He only had sweatpants that were hanging low and I guess he saw me staring because he laughed and licked his lips. "Well don't you look cute." I rolled my eyes at him and he told me to lead the way. We walked down the hall and I tried to open the door but it was locked and I groaned. "Here hang on." He ran to the living room and grabbed his bag.

He got a credit card and a bobby pin and in a matter of seconds the door was opened and he looked up at me and I furrowed my eyebrows and he laughed "my dad always locked his things so that is how I kept getting in his offices and don't worry it's my sisters bobby pin." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

I forgot to ask you how many tattoos do you hav?" He took at them and looked back at me "I lost track at 15." We started walking to my dad's desk and started looking at some of his papers and so did he. He sat in my dad's chair. "Is this you when you were little?" I walked over to him and looked at the photo and laughed but then stopped.

"What the hell!" He stood up to look and his eyes widened "this was the week before my mom died." The picture was the three of us but my mom's eyes were scratched off. I looked closely and saw that Stephanie in the background looking at us. I took my phone and took a picture of the photo before handing it back to Tristan for him to put it back.

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