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"You know that you guys are a bunch of cockblocks!" Tristan exclaimed as we walked out of the bedroom and grabbed his phone and sat down while I did the same. "Don't feel bad, you should be thanking us that you're not having kids right now!" Tristan and I rolled our eyes and started eating our food.

"This is way better than going to a fancy restaurant where people look you boys up and down like you're a piece of meat." Lucas pulled Kinsley into his chest. "Don't be jealous babe, when they're looking at me I'll be looking at you." She huffed and flicked his forehead and went back to her old spot while he just laughed.

Once we finished we were all cuddled up with one another watching a movie when all of a sudden I felt a hand on up upper thigh and when I turned my head to see his face he just smirked and turned my head back the movie that we were watching and little by little he was getting higher and higher and I lightly chuckled.

"No, we can't do that when they are here!" I whispered yelled and he licked his lips and went to my ear "weren't you the one that was willing to fuck me in the bedroom an hour ago?" I buried my head into his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head and hugged me. "Don't be embarrassed about that love."

I bit my lip and blushed at his words and was about to kiss him but someone threw a pillow at us. "Stop trying to fuck my best friend, do that when we're not here." I looked up to the movie and saw that they had it on pause and smirking at us. "You're acting like you're not dying to fuck Kinsley, I can see it in your eyes Lucas! You have the sex eyes when you look at her." I smirked at Lucas and he threw a pillow at me but I ducked so it ended up hitting Tristan.

"Why the hell is everyone throwing pillows at me?!" We all laughed and I told him that he's just a main target and it's easy to just hit him with objects. After that I gave him a kiss on the cheek then I looked back at Lucas while Tristan tried to hit Lucas but he ended up hitting Kinsley and she looked like she was going to kill him.

"Well Camila you're right and since the movie is over and your little boyfriend is hitting my girl with pillows I'm going to fuck your best friend!" I looked at Kinlsey and her eyes widened as she got up, while Tristan and I were laughing. "You two ave fun and wear protection!" She laughed as Lucas pulled out of the room and Tristan shut the door.

I used the time when he wasn't looking I ran back to the room and grabbed the handcuffs. "Where did you go missy." I bit my lip and showed them to him. When he saw them he smirked. "What are you going to do with that Camila?" I opened one of the cuffs and put it on him and cuffed the other one to the bed frame.

"Well I was thinking that we could have fun with these." I looked up and he was looking at me smirking. "I'm all yours." I bit my lip and got on my knees and was sitting in front of him and unzipped his jeans and pulling his underwear with him.

I smiled, then looked into Tristan. I grabbed his dick and ran my hand up and down over it several times. He groaned, and I finally put my mouth down and ran my tongue over him.

I heard his breathing getting quicker, he was horny. I knelt down in front of him, taking my hand around his hard cock, looking straight into his eyes.

I want him to see how I really want him. I began to slowly suck the head of his cock. After a while I covered him with my whole mouth.

"Shit, just like that." He groans.

I accelerated by making up and down movements. All of a sudden I heard something break and when I looked up he had broke the handcuffs and my eyes widened as he grabbed my hair hard and pressing his dick against my throat. I knew he couldn't take longer, so I didn't slow down.

He gripped his hand tightly on my head and in an instant it came to my mouth. He began to breathe deeply, and after a while it came out of my mouth.

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