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I groaned while someone was jumping on my bed. "What the hell is your problem?!" I opened my eyes to see Kinsley smiling at me telling me that it's time to wake up. "Aren't you supposed to be hung over?" She laughed at me shaking her head.

"Well yeah I was but I took some medicine and was scrolling through my phone and I guess my drunk self took a picture of you and lover boy.The real question is did you like that kiss?" I looked at her as she sat down next to me in bed. "How could I not like that kiss I mean he's a great kisser!"

"You like him don't you?" I sighed and nodded my head yes. I was about to say something else but my brother started calling me and Kinsley told me to put it on speaker. "Hello?" The line went silent for a minute until he started talking "hey sis we are coming back a day early because grandma and grandpa are coming back so dad told the maids to come since you let them go home. We'll be home in about 3 to 4 hours. Love you see you in a little bit."

After he hung up we ran downstairs to see the maids cleaning the living room. Caroline came up to me "you know that I'm surprised that you had a party but you're lucky that there is still weed left or your father would have been mad. Now you two go clean and Kinsley get ready to go home."

We went back upstairs and we both let out a breath of relief. "At least you threw an amazing party! Also you have the best maid ever!" I laughed as she was going to the bathroom to take a shower and I sat down on my bed. I was scrolling through social media when I found people everywhere talking about the party I had.

"Hey I'm done you can use the bathroom now." I looked to see Kinsley with damp hair but I walked over to her and showed her my phone. "Holy shit! Now you know either the night before graduation or the night of graduation you are hosting another amazing party!"

We laughed and I went to take a quick shower so I stripped out of my clothes and got in I started to remember the memories from last night and of Tristan and the kiss that we shared. Once I got out I went to my closet and pick out something to wear since my grandparents are coming over.

When I walk out of the closet I saw Kinsley watching some tv when she saw me she motioned me to go to my mirror so that we could take some pictures. After we took some pictures she hugged me and told if I ever need to get away from the rest of my family to come to her because her family loves me.

She left and I went to go to talk to Caroline. "Hey are you ready to see your grandparents?" I only nodded my head and took an apple and started eating some of that for breakfast until I felt my phone vibrate in the back of my pocket and it was my brother 'are they there yet?' I typed no and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Wow, who's got you on the phone so much?" I laughed and showed her the text messages between my brother and me and she laughed and I looked to see what was making her laugh and when I turned my phone around and saw that Kinsley sent the picture of me and Tristan and said 'use protection!'

I sighed and put my head on the table. "So ms Camila who are you hanging out with that Kinsley has to tell you to wear protection?" I laughed and shook my head. "All I did was kiss a guy yesterday and she took a picture of us kissing while she was drunk."

She was about to say something but someone knocked on the door and Caroline walked over to the door and when she opened the door my grandma hugged Caroline and then my grandpa gave her a hug and they both looked at me and came over to hug me.

"Look at how big you've gotten! What's it been what 5 years since we last saw you." I laughed at them and nodded my head about to say something but the sound of my dad coming in interrupted our conversation. "Hey mom hey dad!" My dad went over to my grandma to hug her and after he did everyone else came over.

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