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I woke up to a hand rubbing my back and I opened my eyes to see Tristan looking at me. "Well that was the best way to wake up." He smiled and tried to get up but I groaned. "Why are you disturbing my peaceful morning!" I glared at him and he laughed.

"Don't worry I'm not getting up yet I'm going to get the remote." I sighed as he got up and gave me a little smile and sat back down and I immediately straddled him and one of his hands went to my waist and the he was trying to find something on tv.

"You know that we can't stay in bed all day right?" I shook my head then put my head back on his chest while he smirked. "Well if we stay in bed all day then we can't go on a date do get up." After he said that I got off of him and I felt a hard slap on my ass. I turned around and glared. "What?" He laughed as I flipped him off.

I walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower and when I finished all of that I walked out in my towel but the bed was empty so I got dressed then walked out of the bedroom and saw him and his back was towards me so I ran and jumped on his back.

"You know that what you just did was very dangerous." He sat me on the counter and he was standing between my legs rubbing my thighs. "You caught me though." He rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a kiss but someone knocked on the door and I sighed.

"Nope they can wait!" With that he smashed his lips against mine and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he picked me up and carried me to the couch and he was ready to take my shirt off when the door opened. "What the hell?!" We looked up and we saw Lucas with our room key in his hand smirking. "You know that you are two very horny people." I flipped him off while Tristan looked at the key.

"How did you get our key?!" Lucas looked at us and smirked before talking " well it wasn't hard because all I did was go to the front desk and say I got locked out of my room" I rolled my eyes and got up to grab my phone. When I came back I saw them Kinlsey walk in and I looked at her.

"Did everyone get a key for our room?!" Lucas and Kinlsey smirked at me and showed me their card while I just rolled my eyes. "Are you ready to go?" I shook my head yes and grabbed my shoes to put them on and walked next to Kinsley. "Alright let's go!" I was about to walk over to Tristan to give him a kiss but Kinsley yanked me away.

"Your horny people can wait, let's go we're going to be late!" I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the room and to the elevator. "So what are we doing today?" I looked at Kinlsey as she pressed the button then turned back to me. "Well we're going to get you ready for your date!" I laughed and shook my head then she slapped my arm hard. "What the hell was that for?!" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"It's for not telling me that you two are going on a date." I rubbed my arm as the elevator opened and when we walked outside Kinsley started walking to an expensive looking car. "I know you like sport cars but you can't go to jail here!" She laughed as she pulled keys out of her back pocket.

"Well Lucas said go nuts and that's what I plan to do, now get in!" I squealed as I got in the passenger seat and she turned the car on. "Holy shit, he's gonna kill you!" She smirked as she pulled out of the parking spot. "So where is our first stop?" She looked at me then looked back on the road.

"First we are going to find you something to wear and after that we'll go and get something to eat." I nodded my head and looked at my phone. "You know that I would have never guessed that we would be in fucking Italy with two guys like us!" I sighed and nodded my head. "Enough about me what about you and Lucas? Do I have to kill him yet?"

Her eyes widened as I smirked and she shook her head no. "There's really nothing new we've just been taking it slow." I smirked at her and she playfully smacked me. "It's our last day here, we both got laid, now it's time to get us some boyfriends!" I ran my fingers through my hair as she sighed.

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