
14 1 0

[This chapter contains mature Content. Please read at your own risk]

We both looked at each other and he went up to the door while I stayed in the room and he looked through the hole and told me that it was just Lucas and Kinlsey. I told okay and he opened the door.

As soon as they walked in I heard heard kinsley say 'holy shit' while I walked out of the room and went up to them. "This place is like a fucking penthouse!" She walked around while Tristan wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So what are we doing for the rest of the night?" Kinlsey walked up to Lucas and curled his arm around her waist. "How about we rest for a little bit and we all go out to eat?"

Before they were about to leave someone had knocked on the door and I went up to it and looked through the peephole and saw that it was some of the food that I ordered so when I came back to where they were they all looked at me and I said 'what.' Kinlsey walked walked over to me to see what I got and so did Lucas.

They took some of the food  and left the room after Kinsley gave me a hug and Lucas did a little handshake with Tristan and they left. After they left we ate some of the food but I ate most of it because I was hungry and then we went to the bedroom to go lay down.

"I am exhausted! I could sleep all day." I exclaimed while my shoes off and sitting on the bed. I heard Tristan laugh as he took his jacket off. "I better make an alarm  so you don't sleep all day and night long."

I gasped and hit him with the pillow and he fell back laughing. "Oh come on, you could sleep all day if you wanted to." I rolled my eyes and got in the bed.

I woke up to the stupid alarm so I grabbed it off the nightstand and turned it off and turned back over to see Tristan smirking. "Told you so." We laid back down and I put my head on his chest. "You know that this is the first time in 2 hours that we haven't gotten interrupted." I laughed and told him that this was a proud moment and don't chance anything.

"Is it bad to just want to stay in bed all day long?" He shook his head no but then got up and I groaned "no lay back down!" I crossed my arms when I knew that he want's coming back so I got up to get something to drink.

"Wow I'm surprised that you're up!" I flipped him off and got some water and started drinking some of it and he turned around to see me. "Do I have to change or can I go like this?" He told me that I could where what I was wearing and I was relieved about that.

"But before we go come here." I was confused on why I had to but when I got over to him he gave me a kiss and went to my neck and staring sucking and I let out a quiet moan and we started walking backwards until my back hit the wall.

"Don't you just want to skip dinner?" I quickly nodded and he grabbed his phone to text Lucas saying that we'll go out to eat later and once he put his phone down I smashed my lips on his and he tapped my thigh telling me to jump so I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried us to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.

"You know that I've waited a long time for this." I giggled as I pulled his shirt over his head and he did the same to me. His eyes widened as soon as he saw my lace covered chest and I smirked. "You are so beautiful." He mumbled  as he started to take off my bra.

My breath hitched as he took my nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue. A moan immediately flew out of my mouth and I tugged in his hair, earning a growl from him. He swirl his tongue around my nipples while he played with the other one in his hands and occasionally bitdown on it then did the same to the next one.

Pulling away once more, he began trailing kisses from the valley of my breast all the way down to my lower stomach. He kept going lower and I found myself begging for him to touch me done there.

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