Twenty four

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"Come on assholes time to wake up." I heard someone yelling and throwing something and it landing next to me. I woke up to see Lucas and Kinsley at the end of my bed looking at me and when I turned my head Tristan was just as confused as I was.

"What if we were naked?" Kinsley rolled her as and pointed at the clock and when we all turned and saw that it was 9:30 and when I turned around and glared at them. "So you two have been in here since 9! You know in some places that's called stalking." They nodded their heads yes and said that they knew what and I just shook my head at them and pulled the cover off of the both of us and I heard Tristan groan.

"Is everyone gone?" I looked at Kinsley and she shook her head no and I looked at her wide eyed and she noticed and she started talking. "Caroline is here but other than that no one else is here, so get your ass up and let's go to your dad's office." I nodded and pushed the both of them out of my room and shut it.

"You sleep okay?" I nodded my head and told him that it was okay. I got my phone to see if that number had texted me at all and when I saw that I had no messages other than Kinsley I put my phone back down and was about to head in the shower but Tristan started talking. "You need some company in the shower because it can get lonely in there sometimes."

I chuckled at his action to persuade me and I nodded my head and he sat up and started walking towards me but I put my hand on his chest. "No funny business because I don't want Kinsley coming in here as we're having sex." He nodded his head and told me okay then I went to my closet and grabbed some clothes and Tristan went to my suitcase and got some clothes out.

"When did you put your clothes in there." He looked up at me and smirked. "Actually I noticed when we were about to go that my suitcase was way lighter so I looked in your suitcase and saw that almost everything was in your bag was mine. My eyes widened and nodded my head and tried to run and hide his stuff but he caught me before I could and took me in the bathroom.

Once we walked in the bathroom I turned on the shower and we both started stripping and once we stepped in the shower Tristan let out a high pitch scream. I turned around and laughed at him. "What happened?" I tried so hard not to laugh but I broke and he just rolled his eyes and scooted away from the water before looking at me.

"Why is the water so damn hot?!" I put my hand under the water and it felt just to me and I looked at him weird. "Do you not see that smoke coming from your hands?" I looked down and saw that the smoke from the water was on my hands and I playfully rolled my eyes before turning to face him.

"Fine you big baby I'll turn the water down." He threw the bar of soap at me and told me thank you once I turned it down and we started taking a shower and when I mean by taking a shower I mean taking breaks to kiss each other. I broke the kiss and looked at him. "You know I should've recorded your little scream." He looked at me and pulled me into his chest.

"See if you would've did that I would've probably tickled you until you can't breathe." I grasped as he nipped at the bottom of my earlobe. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands went to my waist. "Hi." He chuckled and said hey and just looked at me before leaning in to give me a kiss.

"You ready to get out because you know if we stay in here for too long then Kinsley is going to come in." He laughed and nodded his head but all of a sudden Kinsley yelled outside the door. "I heard that now hurry up we're getting bored out here!" We laughed and turned the water off and he handed me a towel and we both got out.

We both did our hygiene care and got dressed then walked out of the bathroom. "Finally you two take forever to get ready in the morning!" Tristan rolled his eyes and said that we weren't even in there that long then he slapped Lucas on the back of the head. "Alright come on." We looked at Kinsley since she was already out the door.

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