Twenty seven

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I went where I heard his voice and saw that he was in his office looking for something. "Where the hell have you been?!" I looked at him confused "what are you talking about?" He scoffed at him then started laughing. "You wanna tell me why I come home and walk up to your room and you're not there and Caroline is nowhere to be found!"

"I told her that she could have the morning off and I went on a walk." He sighed and looked up at me and nodded his head. "Next time can you just send a text so I know where you are." I nodded as he kept looking for something. "In my defense I didn't know that you were coming home and by the way why are you here?"

"I'm looking for some paperwork for my business meeting and are you still staying at Kinsley's tonight?" I told him yes and tried to walk away but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Did you have fun on your walk?" I just nodded and nervously smiled while walking out of the room but I wanted to see something. "You know that place that you and mom used to take me when I was little?" I turned around to look and him and he nodded his head.

"Well I've always wanted to go back there, maybe on Friday we can go for my birthday." He smiled at me. "If you want to then I'll get it arranged and we'll celebrate there but don't go to Kinsley's until I tell Stephanie."

"Why do they have to come why can't it just be you and me?" He pulled out his phone and put it to his ear. "Don't start now." I sighed and before I walked out the room I told him that I was going outside to get something he just nodded his head and started talking to her while I walked out of the house.

I headed for the park and it didn't take me that long to get there and by the time I got there Tristan looked up and saw me and came over to me. "Told you that I would be here in 30 minutes." He rolled his eyes and pulled me into him and kissed my forehead and then Kinsley came over to me and hit my shoulder.

"Okay first of all ow and second of all what the hell was that for?!" She glared at me before answering. "Why didn't you wake me up when we got to your house I could've went inside with you so you didn't have to go alone." I told her that I was fine and then looked back at Tristan. "You told her didn't you!" He nodded his head and sat on the swing.

"So what did he want?" I looked up and saw that Lucas was now awake to so I sat down at the end of the slide before talking. "Nothing really other than the fact that he didn't know where I was and how we are going to the old house on Friday." They all nodded their heads before stopping.

"Wait your dad is taking you to the same spot where we just went?" I smirked and nodded my head and they just looked at me confused. "Since you guys know where it is I want you guys to come also I have to go back to the house later before I go over to yours." I looked at Tristan who was in front of me.

"Why?" I laid back against the slide "because my dad wants me to be there when he tells Stephanie and her kids." Kinsley started laughing while the boys just looked confused. "That place is so old she's not used to staying in places like that, so that reaction is going to be pretty priceless."

"The real question are you going to be okay when you go back to the house." I looked at him and sighed. "You know Lucas you're turning into your brother." He chuckled and pulled Kinsley on his lap. "What are we going to do now we have an hour or two to kill until I have to go back to the house." I looked at Tristan and he pulled me up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"I think that these two should go on somewhere and let me have my alone time with you. Whoever else thinks so raise your hand." He raised his hand and I just chuckled at him. "You just want us to leave don't you?" He looked at Kinsley and nodded his head. "Yeah but that's not happening now take us to get something."

"Didn't we just get something to eat?" She nodded her head and then looked at me. "How about this you're little girlfriend wants something." Tristan looked confused. "I can buy her some water." I chuckled and looked to see where Lucas. "Instead of talking about my boy where's yours at?"

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