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I woke up to someone knocking on our door and I felt Tristan beginning to stir. I looked around and saw that we were laying on the couch and memories from last night came back to me and I smiled and looked at him. "You want me to get it?" I looked at Tristan while messing with his hair and he groaned and shook his head no. I quietly chuckled at him as he pulled me closer to him so I was laying on his naked chest.

The door opened and Lucas and Kinsley and luckily we had dressed before we went to sleep last night and they walked in and their eyes widened. "What the hell happened in here?!" Tristan and I chuckled as we sat up and looked around the place and saw that the couch was messed up and the kitchen was a messed up. "You two are some freaks!" I chuckled before sitting down on the couch and Kinsley came over to me.

"What happened last night?!" I laughed and looked at the boys who were getting something to drink. "I fucked my boyfriend all last night that's what." Kinsley's eyes widened and squealed and grabbed my arm and started me. "When did this happen, I need to know, tell me everything." I chuckled as I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. "We're going to give you girls some space while we find something to eat from somewhere." I nodded and Lucas gave Kinsley a kiss and they both walked out of the room.

"Now spill." I laughed at her eagerness. Well we went to dinner and he took me to this beautiful fountain and he gave me this necklace." She looked at the necklace before opening it and seeing the pictures of us. "Damn Camila you picked a good one!" I chuckled and laughed at her.

"Yeah I did and when we made it official we came back to the hotel." Kinsley held out her finger and pointed at me and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You're forgetting one part, you went back to the hotel had sex all night then went to sleep." I faked gasped. "What would make you think that we had sex?!" She smirked at me "well for starters your hair is a mess, the living room and kitchen have stuff all over the place and both of your clothes are on the ground."

I looked around and chuckled and nodded my head and she started laughing. "So you two slept on the floor?" I smiled and stood up and went to the bathroom and Kinsley followed me. "You guys have better used protection because I'm not ready to become an aunt yet." I slightly chuckled as I started brushing my teeth and went to the closet to pick something out to wear.

"What about you, I mean you were dying to know when we were leaving so you could fuck your boyfriend." I chuckled as I went to the bathroom to put my tooth brush back. "Well yes we did have sex but we didn't have it all night long like some people!" I heard my phone go off and when I looked at it, it was the person from last night.

"Who is it?" I sighed and told her that it was something from last night and I looked back at my phone and saw that they typed 'someone you can trust. Stay with friends but do not go back to that house. I'll give you more details in the following week, but be careful.' I saw that Kinsley was looking at my phone wide eyed. "Okay, that's honestly kinda scary."

The door opened and I heard the boys whispering about something then they called out names. When we walked out they were on their phones and when Tristan looked at me he stood up and grabbed my phone. "It's the same number." I looked at him confused and he showed me that the number that texted me had texted him. "Well what did they say and how did they get your number?"

Kinsley grabbed his phone and looked at it. "Make sure that she doesn't go back in that house, keep her safe." She read aloud and I looked at Tristan. "Is this some kind of a sick joke?!" I looked at the three of them and they nodded their heads no. "I have to go back to that house, it's going to look weird to them if I just don't go back!" Tristan ran his fingers threw his hair.

"They're going to know somethings up if she not at the house." Kinsley looked at Lucas in disbelief. "So you're saying that we should leave her in that house when someone is texting my best friend and your brother saying that she's not safe and all of these things we are finding out when it's close to her birthday!" Tristan separated Lucas and Kinsley because they were getting closer and closer to each other.

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