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I woke up but squinted my eyes because the sun was shining through my windows and when I got out of bed I looked to see Kinsley was was still sleeping and I just rolled my eyes and I went to take a quick shower and put some comfortable clothes on.

I looked at the time and it said that it almost 7 so I thought that it was time to wake her up. I jumped on top of her like she did me and I started laughing "what the hell Camila Elizabeth?!" I got off of her and she flipped me off "it's called payback bitch!"

She groaned and went to the bathroom to take a shower and I called Tristan to make sure that he was awake. After a few rings he picked up the phone "are you guys ready?" He told me that he was ready but his brother was in the shower.

"I hope you know that I'm getting you back for jumping on top of me." I just flipped her off as she went back to my bathroom to get dressed. While she was in my bathroom I went downstairs to see if anyone was up.

I looked and both my grandparents and dad was up and watching tv. "Why are you guys up so early?" They turned towards me then my grandpa pointed to the spot next to him. "The kids are already gone, but are you guys ready?" I told him that Kinlsey was in my room getting dressed and Kinlsey came down with our bags and she looked like she was struggling.

"I could of grabbed my stuff so you wouldn't almost fall down the stairs." She just shrugged and handed me everything and told me that her mom was waiting for us. "Alright you two do you guys have everything with you guys right?" We looked at everything and told him yes and went to hug my grandparents "we'll see you when you get back alright?" I nodded my head and hugged them back and the I went up to my dad and he gave me a side hug and Stephanie just waved.

We walked out and my grandpa helped us load the car up and gave both of us a hug. We both got in and she started driving and out of no where she screamed "after years of convincing they are finally letting us go on a trip what the hell!" I smiled as she turned on the radio and we started singing all of the songs that the radio played until we got to her house.

I got out and she opened the trunk and I got our luggage and we went inside to see Kinsley's mom and Oliver watching tv. When we closed the door they both looked over and came over to us. "Are you both ready to go?" We looked at each other and said yes.

"You know Camila I think that this will be fun for our future together because you can plan our wedding while you're down there." Kinlsey walked over to her brother and smacked him upside the head and I just laughed as we headed out of their house and into her mom's car.

"So do you want us to stay with you or do you guys think that you're fine to go by yourself?" Kinlsey rolled her eyes while Oliver looked at me with hopeful eyes to say yes but Kinlsey beat me to it.

"Mom, we are 18 and 17 years old we can go by ourselves." She nodded her head and said okay while Oliver just rolled his eyes. I grabbed my phone and she looked at it to and Tristan told me that they were already there and I texted him that we were on our way.

"Alright girls we're here. Please don't do anything stupid or get arrested so Camila you're in charge, but so help me I will fly up where you are and embarrass you in front of everyone." I nodded my head and she helped us get all of our stuff out of the car and gave us a hug before she got back in the car.

Once we walked in the airport I grabbed my phone and called Tristan and when he answered I asked him where he was and his brother was and he told me to keep walking because he saw us and once I saw him I hung up the phone and Kinsley whispered in my ear "he's hot!" I chuckled as we walked up to them.

They looked up and Kinlsey's mouth dropped and he chuckled. "Alright Lucas this is Camila and Kinlsey, Camila and Kinsley this is my annoying brother Lucas." Lucas smirked and looked at Kinlsey while he shook her hand.

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